
Chapter Forty Eight

Legs? What the hell?

Ethan looked around wondering if Lucian was referring to someone else behind them but he didn't see anyone then he looked at Saira who was still but no longer looking pale.

"I see you've not changed one bit." He eyed her clothes. "Still dressing in clothes that are way too big on you. Are you really that scared of someone noticing your curves?"

Ethan almost choked on his spit, looking shocked. This bozo had a lot of nerve talking to his wife like that as if he wasn't standing there.

"Hey, What do you think you're doing?" Ethan demanded angrily. "How dare you talk to her like that?"

Lucian cut his gaze to Ethan who looked very pissed and he grinned. "I've always wanted to meet you in person, Ethan Delnoi. I'm Lucian Chamberlain." He held out his hand. "Peridot oil and gas."

Ethan stared at his hand like it was something disgusting then looked at his face. "Peridot? You mean the company that Delnoi corporation owns majority of their shares? That Peridot?" He arched
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