
Chapter 44: Results & Drunk


Chapter 44: Results & Drunk


Alessia and I stood in the bathroom eyes looking at the pregnancy test that was covered by a white towel, I wanted to look but I was scared at the results, what if I was pregnant? Was I capable of being a mother? Could I care for a baby?

"Are you going to look?" I asked expectantly, she crossed her arms, smiling.

"Me?! This is your test." I sighed.

"Fine." I reached for the towel but my hand dropped, not having the ability or strength to look.

"I can't do it." Alessia rolled her eyes, amused.

"For the love of God." She took the test in her hand looking at it, my heart pounded in my chest.

"What does it say?" I inquired. I nervously awaited her answer as she looked at the pregnancy test.

"Pregnant." Were the words that left her pink lips, I shook my head not wanting to believe it, it couldn't possibly be right...could it?

"No, maybe it's wrong. Let me take anoth

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