

3 years later.

I entered Alessia's new house, instantly loving the interior design. I had come by earlier but I never took the time to soak in the property's beauty.

"You're finally here! What took you so long?" Alessia inquired, pulling my attention from the house.

"My brother needed my help with some paperwork," I informed her. Since I gave birth Andrey decided to take on some of my workloads, he was in charge of the gun shipments, but recently he was busy because he had a wedding to plan with his husband.

"Of course he did."

"Where are the kids?" I asked looking around.

"Mommy!" I heard my firstborn, Anastasia's light brunette hair flew in the wind as she ran happily to me with her brother walking behind her, watching his sister cautiously just in case she fell.

"Ana! Slow down!" He warned her, but she ignored him as she ran into my arms, I smiled bending down to her level.

I pulled her into a deeper hug while huggin

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