
Chapter 1

"Bro, how are you and Xeri?"

I turned around when I heard my Step-brother's voice. I raised my eyebrows when I saw his subdued smile that I had just seen. Is this animal planning something?

"My relationship with her doesn't concern you," I said coldly and started fixing the paper that was scattered in my desk.

"I'm just asking! I've missed you so much!" It came to me. "Since Mom married Dad, you didn't even pay attention to us, or talk to us. How long are you going to do that?"

My jaw clenched as I gripped the paper in my palm tightly. He was slowly getting to my nerves. Even If I let them stay in our house doesn't mean that I accept them. Can I just slap that fact off to him?

"Get out, Raven," I said firmly. "I'm busy and you're wasting my time."

Raven Nixon and Ashley Cole Lloyd. Ever since they came into my life, my Father never looked at me. After my Mom died, my Dad suddenly came to our house with this trash. My Dad is waiting for my Mom to die from Cancer so he can bring these trash to Mom's house. It's funny to think that Mom left everything to me, even the properties, the assets, the shares and the Company.

This is the only link that I have with my loving Mother.

My face was dark as I looked at him with a smile on my lips. The tension in my office is that I know he can't handle it.

"You know, Warren. I really love the Company." His eyes widened as he smirked, "Sooner or later, everything you have will be mine so watch it." He turned his back on me and walked out of my office.

I blow out a heavy sighed as I leaned in my swivel chair. Him? Going to take the Company I have? That's absurb! The last will is directly to me, even them wanting the Company, everything will fall to my hands in the end. 

And I'm sure of it.

I looked at my phone when I saw Xeri's messages. A small smile appeared on my lips as I opened it. Having a woman like her is good, she comforts me everyday, she is my everything. This is the only relationship that lasts long. Four years of relationship is going successful.

The only one and handsome Warren Hell Loid will have this woman. 

I, Warren, the young CEO you have in this country. Have a bachelor degree and graduates so early because of a high IQ. Everything you want is here with me.

Oh, it's getting cold out of nowhere. Must be the wind.


Baby! I miss you so please go to my condo. Pretty please?🥰 

I smiled to myself because I love this woman so much. She was a beautiful spring of sunshine to me, you will love her too. No one can match him. I will propose later since everything is doing a good turn to my life and I want her to be with me, to witness every success I will have in the future.

Cutie Hell:

Of course. I will brought your favorite wine later. See you.

I quickly finished my work to go to Xeri's condo right away. I just tidied up my desk and left for the parking lot. I got into my BMW car and drove to Xeri's condo.

Let me describe Xeri for you and I will tell every beautiful things she have.

Xeri Orion Nyx have fruity scent that was lingering to her and it's toxic sometimes for Warren nose because he doesn't like her perfume. Her brunette monolid eyes, a red lipstick is the always lipstick she keep using. Her pale skin is not always good because she likes to eat healthy food which worry Warren the most. 5-foot-7 is her height, her hair color is violet because she keep messing with her own hair and her job was managing so many Salon in this country.

She's beautiful indeed for Warren eyes that it blinded Xeri eyes by the thought the Warren wouldn't know about it.

She's beautiful indeed to be free from everyone that catches her eyes.

Warren eyes widened at the sight in her condo. His body froze while looking at Xeri who was happily moaning.

"Ohh- right there- faster," she was moaning so much that Warren wants to zip his ears to stop hearing it over and over again. 

Warren should have known that a beautiful like her will never be satisfied by him. 

Loving her is the one that makes Warren naivety shielded him from realizing the truth. 

The brunette eyes of her is lovingly looking at smoky eyes that his brother have. The one that looking at him with love is now replaced with someone who takes everything away from Warren. 

However, Warren wasn't idiot because now everything is sinking to him. The way Xeri canceling their dates that it took a toll for Warren. When Xeri doesn't reply to his messages that he keep waiting for. When Xeri doesn't want to see him because she was seeing his brother. 

That was all the tragedy began for Warren.

In the end his high IQ doesn't help him to resolve everything. 

The shattered glass of his heart is now getting shattered into ashes.

The wine glass that Warren was holding is now in the floor, making his ex-girlfriend looking at the horrified reaction of Warren.

Even her own eyes widened at the sight of his boyfriend watching her gets fucked by Warren's brother. 

There's no tears in Warren eyes. There's no sign of pain but only betrayal in his eyes.

Raven looks at Warren and continues to fucked Xeri in front of his brother. A smugly smirked is spread to Raven lips. Raven did succeed in getting Xeri.

Warren face is blank but betrayal is shown to his own eyes while watching them continue fucking.

"Ahh- sorry! Warren- ohh!" Xeri continues to moan while saying sorry. 

"Go to hell, Xeri." His jaw clenched. "Let's end everything, Xeri," he said and pick the shattered wine glass.

He runs to his step-brother, wanting to kill him but end up punching Raven's face. He doesn't want to be a murderer. He continues to punch his step-brother while Xeri and him is connected.

And when Warren was done, leaving Xeri condo. The condo he buy for Xeri.

Warren pulled out his phone and call the land-lord of this condominium, telling that he was pulling out his money to the condo. 

He went home to their Mansion while his face was still dark but when he saw his father in the living room he stopped to greet him. He's with Raven's mother.

"Good evening, Dad." He greeted. Warren misses his father so much. Raven took his father and also his girlfriend. He wasn't going to let her take anything more from him.

His father looked at him without emotion. "Warren, give Raven a position in our company."

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