
Moved In 46

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

Hyun Seo: Please

Author: Please comment and rate the book if you like.

Hyun Seo: I wanted to say that! Oh, whatever. Anyway, please....

Author: Please continue to journey with us through out this book 

Hyun Seo: Are you playing around with me?!

Author: Chapter 46 begins.

Hyun Seo: Let me speak!


Awkward, weird, you name it. Every word that described an awful atmosphere was around the room.

Tae Jin wanted to apologize, however, the annoyed look on Hae Jin's face made it very difficult for him to say a word.

What should he do?

Before he could think of anything, Hae Jin stood up to leave the room.

Getting up to follow him, he called out to him, "Hyung"

Reaching the stairs leading to upstairs, the doorbell rung before he got say a word of nothing.

Both of them made a stop, looked at each other before looking at the door.

"Tae Jin! Tae Jin babe! Open the door we're here" they heard Hyun Seo yell out before Shin Hye's voice also came through.

"Who's your baby? He's my babe" Hearing Shin Hye's words, they both shared a harmless look.

Not knowing what the other was thinking about.

To break the weird unexplainable atmosphere that took over as they shared at each other, Tae Jin answered to the call.

"Come in the door is not locked"

Immediately, the door opened with Hyun Seo entering, Shin Hye and Se Jong following.

Looking at Tae Jin's friends for the first time, Hae Jin finally knew how they looked like.

And the heavens knew, they were all good looking, attractive.

Realizing his hyung was seeing his friends for the first time, Tae Jin decided to introduce them to Hae Jin.

"Hyun Seo, Shin Hye and Se Jong" he said, pointing a finger at each of them as he called out their names just so Hae Jin will know them.

But having done this, he made his friends curious and confused.

Why was he pointing a finger at them and calling out their names?

Tae Jin already knew who they were. So why?

Questions like this flooded in their minds.

While Hae Jin felt grateful towards Tae Jin even though he didn't show it on his face.

So, the one on the right side was Hyun Seo. Handsome, had short dar-black hair and Will eyes.

He looked like a funny guy.

Author: I'll go with stupid but, I'm not the describing him.

Someone who always light up the mood.

And the one in the middle was Shin Hye,............ Tae Jin's girlfriend. The kid really was luck because the girl was very beautiful.

She had long dark-black hair and scarlet red eyes. 

And lastly, Se Jong......

Hae Jin looked at his direction and for a moment, he thought their eyes met but then, the guy immediately looked away, looking back at Tae Jin with a confused look written all over his face.

Did their eyes meet? Was it his imagination?

Hae Jin couldn't help but ask himself.

In any case, just like Tae Jin and Hyun Seo, Se Jong was also handsome and attractive.

He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

All his friends were just as attractive as him and Hae Jin hope they were good people as well.

A person with good looks without a kind heart is.......... nothing.......... Hope his message was clear.

Author: Ah......Hae Jin, I didn't understand.

He also hope Tae Jin will not lose them when they find out about his special ability.

Author: And he ignored me. *Sigh,

"Where are your luggage?" Hae Jin asked, curious to know why they didn't bring it inside and also, to distract them from the obvious questions they wanted to ask.

"We left them in the car. So, where are we sleeping?" Hyun Seo asked excitedly. Tae Jin looked at Hae Jin only to meet an angry look once again and he watched as Hae Jin left for upstairs.

He was going to get his books from the other room to the master bedroom. That's where he's be staying right? Or, could it be he'll be kicked out? Oh, whatever!

Hae Jin thought as he left.

His hyung will be staying in this same with him. This was great.

And this time, Tae Jin didn't have to worry about seeing a bl comic book or a novel book because he already destroyed the one he (Hae Jin) had.

The truth was.........

*Sigh, Tae Jin sighed tiredly, dismissing his thoughts before looking back at his friends.

"First, we have to clean the rooms"

"What? I thought you already did"

"Don't throw a tantrum Hyun Seo. Is just cleaning. The master bedroom is all cleaned. I'll take the living room. You guys take care of the rest"

"No!" Sure the living room looked really dirty but he was sure other places in and around the house looked worst!

And, have they seen the entrance of the house?! No! This!.....This...... He did not want to clean up!

Tae Jin was smiling, amused as he had an idea on what Hyun Seo was thinking.

Meeting eyes with Se Jong, the guy immediately looked away, looking guilty and........what? Confused?

He knew, that Se Jong was studying him before they met eyes.

What was he trying to find by studying him?


In this scene, Chae Joon and Sung Yoon could be seen seated in front of a restaurant. Cars passing by and people going on with their day.

Entering and leaving the restaurant, none of the people noticed them because they couldn't see them.

And,........ Sung Yoon was glad. Cause you know people and their habit of not minding their own businesses.

Judgemental, curious eyes would have been on them if they could be seen them and she didn't like that.

She never liked it.

"I came back" Chae Joon said to start a conversation, earning Sung Yoon's attention.

"But you were gone. Where did you go? And where have you staying?" Chae Joon looked at her as he asked, "I haven't been to the cemetery just once. I went there again and again but you never came back"

Okay, he really has been looking for her, hasn't he?

"Yeah, after I left to find you. I encountered dangerous evil ghosts" Well, she did say that before and he must say.

"You really have bad luck"

"Tell me about it. Anyway, I took cover in a house. That's where I've been staying all this while but now, I'm leaving. I'll be staying with my brother from now onwards"

"I see. That's good" Chae Joon knew all about Sung Yoon's family and her past. How she died that was.

However, he doesn't know Sung Yoon's parents are dead. At least not now.

"So tell me, how's your special one?" Sung Yoon asked, curious to know more about Chae Joon's side of the story.

"Fine. You know, he was a kid when I found him. He was 5" Oh wow, the exact age Tae Jin was when Hae Jin found him.

"He's now 17" And he (Tae Jin) was at the same age now.

"Good for you"

"Yeah. I really am blessed to have him" Chae Joon said sadly, looking down. What's with that look if he felt blessed to have his special?

"So, what are you up to now adays?" She asked, deciding not to ask questions about the reason why he had that look. She knew, it will only put her friend in a worst mood.

"Well, apart from my search for you, am now a hunter of evil ghosts"

"What?! Seriously?" Gosh, Hae Jin will be so happy to know this. First, he gets to meet Chae Joon and then, gets to know more about hunting evil ghosts.

Two in one package.

Author: Ah.........

Sung Yoon: Not a word from you.

Anyway, this was great news!

"Yeah, I have to find someone. I need more time" Okay, so he decided to become a hunter of evil ghosts for more time. This was one of the benefits after all.

But, who was he searching for?

"Who? Your girlfriend?"

"My brother" Chae Joon said, rolling his eyes. 

Laughing awkwardly, Sung Yoon said, "I see, you need more time"

"He died before me" Oh, now.....that's sad.

"I want to apologize to him" But, he was also starting to give up. Concerning he hasn't found anything (About his brother) for the past 18years.

Now he was wondering, if his brother has already crossed over 

Or.......... Chae Jin didn't get the chance to finished his thoughts when Sung Yoon spoke.

"By the way, I've been wanting to ask this, your grave wasn't at the cemetery right? weren't trapped in there right?"

"No, I remember everything" Ah, so that's why he has a special one. Because he has an unfinished business to settle. Finding his brother and apologizing was the unfinished business he had to settle.

But,........she never knew a ghost can remain in this world because of his unfinished business with a ghost.

She thought it only applies to humans.

Ah, well, what did she know?

"but I can't find my body. I don't remember leaving my body after I died. I woke up at that cemetery a month after my death and I found my brother's grave there"

Okay, so, that's why he remained in the cemetery after he woke up. And, come she never got to know about Chae Joon's brother's grave?

Then again, Chae Joon wasn't the type to tell and show everything about himself. Is kind of a miracle he's telling her all these things about himself now.

Sung Yoon looked at Chae Joon who seemed to be in thoughts. He knew.......

There was one person who knew where his grave or body was but he didn't want to see that person now.

After all, this person was the reason why he and his brother died.

He will never forgive her.

Sung Yoon then spoke, getting his attention once again, "Well, the person I stayed with will be glad to see you. It seems your situation looks almost the same. He also woke up in a house he has no memories of. He doesn't have memories of his life, before he died or how he died either"

Well, Sung Yoon was right there. They do have something in common.

If he's right,

They both woke up in a place they had no memories of (Chae Joon has never been to the cemetery he woke up in before) and didn't remember how they got there or when they left their bodies.

If he's right, they had all these in common.

Well, he could be wrong as well, but there was only one way to find out.

"Then, I have to meet this person" Yes, meeting this person was the only way to find out.

"Sure" Sung Yoon replied happily. Hae Jin will be so happy.

He really will be happy.

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