
Solve it 45

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

Hae Jin: There's a reason for everything that happens.

Author: That's not your line dear Hae Jin.

Hae Jin: Oh, am sorry.

Hyun Seo: That's right, that's not your line!

Author: Hey, why do you keep showing up when is not your turn yet?

Hyun Seo: As a character, I have the right to speak. So, let me speak 

Author: True, I also have the right to shut you up. So shut up!

Hae Jin: What comes around goes around comes......

Hyun Seo: Shut up! I have never shut someone up before. Is always me who gets shut up.

Hae Jin: Disrespect brat, is that how you?

Author: Yes, he'll be 40 soon or so I think. Show him some respect!

Hae Jin: I'm 24, don't listen to this idiot!!

Author: You wish I am. An intelligent smart person like me, you wish you're me.

Hae Jin: Chapter 45 begins.

Author: Don't ignore me!

Hyun Seo: I'm not done talking!


"Sung Yoon, where the hell were you? I was so worried and I had to face some pretty bad shit all alone because you weren't here!" Hae Jin said angrily.

Both he and Sung Yoon sat on the same couch, facing each other.

"You curse a lot Hae Jin" Sung Yoon said with a smile.

"I don't know what happened between you two. I'll let you both solve it"

"Yeah, I don't if I messed up or not. He destroyed my book completely"

"You guys should talk it over" She was very curious to know what happened but she didn't think now was the time.

She didn't have much time to chat as her brother was all alone. Still battling with sadness and grief.

She needs to head back soon.

"Where were you?"

"Actually, I went to see my brother"

"Uh, good" She finally did what he has been saying for so long. That's good, but, did she have to go without informing him? He was so worried about her!

"I'm leaving to go stay with him" and the whole room was quite. Hae Jin now in a battle field with selfishness and sadness.

Sung Yoon was leaving to be by her brother's side. Wasn't this good news? So why did he not want to let her go?

It was he who always advised Sung Yoon to leave and now, he didn't want to let her go.

"You can enter my room now. There's nothing to hide. I have nothing in there you know" Sung Yoon knew, Hae Jin would never enter her room unless given permission.

'You can't enter a lady's room without permission ' Hae Jin had said once when he failed to woke her up early after she asked him to.

Simply because when he came, she did not give him permission to enter.

The guy stood outside, knocking and yelling of course she didn't reply or notice because she was long gone in sleep. She's a deep sleeper and can sleep for a whole day if she's not waken up. She can also sleep for a whole day if she didn't sleep early (And that day, she did not sleep early) that's why she asked him to wake her up early but he failed to accomplish this small task.

Still feels funny remembering it now. She was a ghost. And had nothing a human lady needed to survive or have a comfortable life. So, why would this idiot.......*Sigh, she had not words to complete her thoughts.

"I have nothing but books in there. You can take the books if you like"

"Okay, I'll get them later but, make sure you take the other BL stories with you" He did not want to get into another trouble with Tae Jin.

"Huh, okay" Sung Yoon replied wondering what changed. Did he not like BL stories anymore? 

Or, could it was related to his fight with Tae Jin? Just what did they fight?!

Heavens! She was so curious to know but she can't ask either. She had to leave soon.

"I can't believe you're leaving" Hae Jin said, looking sad. What he said brought back Sung Yoon's attention to him and she assured him.

"Don't be sad, I'll pay you a visit when I have time and I'll also call Tae Jin to talk to you. You know I have my powers"

"Yeah, but don't use too much of it or else, you will disappear"

"I know" however, she has already used too much of her powers. Is a miracle she hasn't disappeared yet.

Using your powers to touch a human means you've already used 99 percent out of 100% of your powers. She has already used a huge amount of powers and if care was not taken, she will disappear.

And she must say again,

Is a miracle she hasn't become invisible yet.

But, Hae Jin doesn't have to know this right? There was no reason to worry him.


After saying goodbyes with Hae Jin and Tae Jin, Sung Yoon left the house with the BL books just as Hae Jin said.

Well, she did make sure she took some snacks (potato snacks) with her. Saying it was a long journey back home and she needed a distraction while she walked back.

Which wasn't so. She's a foodie and needed to fill her stomach because she hasn't eaten all day.

That's it, period!

Anyway, before she left, she made sure to warn Tae Jin not to hurt Hae Jin again.

The poor ghost loved him a lot. Cared for him. He'll be devastated just like he was after their fight earlier.

Well, she knew Hae Jin was devastated, worried about their fight earlier.

She still doesn't know what happened between them, however, she was sure Tae Jin was to be blamed.

Knowing Hae Jin he would never pick a fight with him.

He loved.......

And before Sung Yoon could complete her thoughts, a familiar voice called out her name,

"Sung Yoon!" pulling her out of her thoughts.

Stopping in her tracks, she looked up ahead and found the one person she has been searching for.

"Chae...." Sung Yoon didn't get to complete her words when she was ambushed with a huge.

"Gosh, am so glad I found you"

What? What was he doing here? Sung Yoon was still confused, finding it hard to believe what was happening.

For twelve years, she has been looking for Chae Joon. Everytime she went out with the excuse of getting books, going on a walk or finding out about the old woman or finding food, she would look around, asking other ghosts about Chae Joon as well but she found nothing.

Hae Jin didn't know she has been looking for him (Chae Joon) because she wanted it to be a surprise when she found him.

But, she never found a clue about his whereabouts and now.....

Never, did she imagine she will meet him here. A distance away from the house (The one Hae Jin was trapped in)

"Chae Joon"

"Yes is me" Chae Join said as he pulled away from Sung Yoon, looking at her with a smile.

He looked relief and happy that he found her while Sung Yoon was staring at him. Still in shock.

But........she must say,

Chae Joon was still the same as he should be cause he's a ghost.

Still handsome. Sung Yoon always found everything about him beautiful. His short golden hair, blue eyes which drawn her to him. Just like Hae Jin's eyes. (Hae Jin and Chae Joon didn't have the same eyes though. Hae Jin had crystal blue eyes while Chae Joon her blue eyes)

His eyes were still the same. It still shown loneliness, sadness and anger even though he was smiling, happy and relief to see her.

Some things never change huh?

"You!" And the smile on Chae Joon's face disappeared, replaced by an angry look.

Gosh, he was just as scary as Hae Jin when he was angry.

"Where have you been? I've been searching for you!" She was as well. She has also been looking for him!

But, "You left me when you found your special one!" She was still angry about that day.

It's been twelve years and she still can't forget that day, what he did to her.

"I came back for you but you weren't there! I asked around and they said you left without a word. Since then, I've been looking for you"

Feeling angry, upset, Sung Yoon spoke, "You came back a week later?" That......was so. Chae Joon really did come back a week later to look for her.

How did she know this?

"I waited for you! But you came back a week later! Do you know what I had to go through looking for you?! I had to face those dangerous evil ghosts! Do you know how scared I was?! Do you......"

Without a word, Chae Joon pulled her into a hug, caressing her back in a soothing way.

"I'm sorry" he said calmly and slowly, Sung Yoon relaxed, getting over the anger. Slowly, she hugged him back.

And Chae Joon hugged her tightly, feeling bad for what he did to her. He shouldn't have left in the first place without saying a word to him and certainly, he shouldn't have come back to look for her in a week time.

It was all his fault.

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