
I Dare You 44

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting. Please comment and rate the book if you like.

Hae Jin: Also, please continue to journey with us through out this book.

Author: You.... You're in trouble.

Hae Jin: What? What did I do?


Hae Jin: Tell me!

Author: Chapter 44 begins.

Hae Jin: Tell me!!

Author: You'll know soon.


"What's this? Why do you have this?!" Tae Jin yelled angrily as he stood before Hae Jin, throwing the bl comic at his (Hae Jin) feet.

Confused and surprised at his mood, Hae Jin stood up from the couch he sat on, looking at Tae Jin in confusion.


"Why do you have this? Is yours right?"

Hae Jin looked at the book on the floor, still confused.

Why was he so angry?

Wait, was this the trouble the lousy author was talking about?

Author: Yes, this is the trouble and I'm not lousy.

Hae Jin: Shut up!

"Is just a fictional comic book" Hae Jin said calmly and this angered Tae Jin even more.

"Is about gay people! That's the damn problem!"

"I have a problem with them! Everyone who's gay! Never show this piece of shit in front of me ever again!"

Oh, no he's angry! Burning with anger as well, Hae Jin yelled back, "Don't you dare use that tone on me!"

"Or what? Huh? What the fuck will you do?!" Tae Jin yelled, breathing in ad out and still very angry. "Now listen, If I ever see this piece of useless book, I....."

"You'll what? Huh? I will read whatever I like" Hae Jin answered angrily, pointing a finger at Tae Jin as he said, "You won't stop me! This is my house and I will do whatever pleases me!"

"I can't stop you?" Angry, frustrated, Tae Jin took the comic book from the floor.

Tearing it, piece by piece, he said, "This is your house and you can do whatever pleases you?"

Done tearing it into pieces, Tae Jin threw them at his face, falling down in the end.

"This isn't your house anymore. This is my house and what I say, becomes the rule! Read this kind of book again. I dare you to read it!"

And they stared at each other, so much anger in their eyes as they breathed heavily.

Seconds later, Tae Jin left the house, burning with anger.

*Sigh, Hae Jin sighed tiredly, trying to calm down his angry as he kneeled down to pick up the pieces of comic book.

What was all that about? Why was Tae Jin so angry?

It was only a fictional book. Read to entertain people. Okay fine! People don't only read BL comic to entertain themselves. But to understand gay people as well. Reading it, you get to know more about them. Makes you......rethink about what you know about them.

But still, what he was reading was fiction.

In any case,

Why was he so angry?

And what did he mean by 'Is about gay people, that's the problem. I have a problem with them. Everyone who's gay"

Did he suffer some kind of trauma?



It was decided. Sung Yoon will go back, say goodbye to Hae Jin and Tae Jin and then she will go back to be with her brother.

Sung Yoon was so happy and only the heavens knew how happy she was.

Her brother wasn't angry with her. In fact, he was happy to know she was around.

Before Sung Yoon left, she made sure to leave a message to her brother, made sure he read it, replied before she left.

'I'll be back' she wrote and her brother replied 'Okay, come back soon' 

Yes! This idiot used her powers again. She used it to get a piece of paper, held the pen and wrote the message. She just doesn't know when to give up huh?

Now I wonder, how much of her powers was left.

*Sigh, let's continue.

Since her death, Sung Yoon can say, today was the happiest day of her life.

She got to see her brother, touch him, hear how much he missed and cared about her.

Life as a ghost has never been brought her this amount of happiness until now.

It took about 40minutes before Sung Yoon reached the house.

Entering the compound, she found Tae Jin, seated outside in the stairs to the front door.

He looked angry but there was something else in his eyes. He might look angry but the guilt in his eyes couldn't be missed.

What happened? Did something happen between him and Hae Jin?

Reaching him, Sung Yoon stood before him asking rudely, "What happened brat?" However, the concern in her tone couldn't be missed.

"Leave me alone"

*Sigh, Sung Yoon sighed exhaustedly, taking a seat by his side.

"Listen, I don't know what happened between you two but don't hurt Hae Jin" she said and Tae Jin raised up his head, looking at her.

"How come you think I had a fight with.....hyung? It could be nothing else"

"So you did have a fight with him" Tae Jin didn't reply and only looked down with guilt written all over his face.

Surely, he had a fight with him (Hae Jin)

"Your silence answers me. Like I said, I don't know what happened between you two but don't hurt him. Hae Jin has gone through a lot and he already have a lot on his plate. Don't add more unnecessary problems. Understand?"

Tae Jin didn't answer and so she asked again, "Understand?" And this time, he answered, annoyingly, "I get it"


"You should go see him. He was so worried about you. You left without a word"

"Fine. By the way, I'm leaving today" was her last words before she got up and head for the house.

After Sung Yoon left, Tae Jin got a call from his mother and he answered it immediately.

"Hello mom"

"Hi, son. I hope you like the house. Sorry, I couldn't pick up your calls. I was busy"

"Is okay, are you home now?"


"And have you eaten? Rested?"

"Yes mom, I have. You ask all these questions and I wonder who's the mother here"

Tae Jin smiled for the first time since this morning and his fight with Hae Jin.

He really messed up there didn't he? He should apologize to him later.

He just hope his hyung forgives him. It wasn't right to take his anger on him.

"By the way, have your friends called?"

"Yes, they said they'll be getting here soon" All three of them called early this morning while he was cleaning the porch and they all said the same thing, 'I'll be there soon' 

Well, Hyun Seo did add something, 'Make sure you clean the whole house before I get there. I don't like cleaning you know this right?' Was what he said and this changed his decision to clean the whole house before their arrival.

He was planning to do just that. But when Hyun Seo said that, saying it more like a command, he decided to drop his plans.

That bastard will be involved in the clean up when he arrives.

"Oh, have you settled into the house?" Hee Young asked, drawing his attention back to her.


"Okay, and......." Hee Young had something else to say but she was hesitating. Tae Jin noticed this.

What was it?

"Your father called. He said you're not answering his calls" There it was.

So, this was the reason. This was what she was hesitating to say.

The person responsible for his outburst wanted to talk to him.

Yeah, right.

He was the reason why he yelled and insulted his hyung for the first time.

"Please answer his calls and talk things over. I don't like the fact that you don't love or respect him anymore. Please,......

"I don't want to talk about him anymore"

"Why do you hate him so much now? Is not his fault. Everything is my fault "

"Don't say that mom. Is not your fault. Anyway, I have more cleaning to do, I'll talk to you later " he said, getting angry again. Tae Jin was just about to hung up when his mother spoke,


"Yes" He answered.

"Please take care of the house. Is very important to me"

"I will"

"See you later "

"Bye" and Tae Jin hung up the call, shoving it (The phone) into his pocket before losing himself in though again.

He should apologize to his hyung soon.

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