
Sung Yoon 43

Author: First of all, Thank you God, Jesus and Heavens for the idea for this book. Secondly, Thank you, the readers for reading and for supporting.

Sung Yoon: Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

Hae Jin: Thanks again.

Hyun Seo: Please continue to journey with us. Thanks again.


Sung Yoon:.........

Hae Jin:.........

Hyun Seo: What? What's with that look?

Sung Yoon: We were done talking Hyun Seo.

Hyun Seo: But I wanted to say something.

Author: And you did.

Hyun Seo: Why can't I say what I want to?

Author: Chapter 43 begins.

Hyun Seo: Don't ignore me!!


NightπŸŒƒ (Around 11pm)


Home sweet Home.

It's been a while since she last came here and Sung Yoon couldn't help but stare around (After parting ways with Old man Chang, she decided to come back home and pay her brother a visit)

All the wonderful moments. The happy ones, sad ones, angry ones, frustrated ones, okay is enough. It'll go on and on if she continues.

In any case, all the moments she had in this house were rushing in mind. Just.... coming and coming!

She can literally see the memories on the eyes. Felt like time has gone back to the past memories and she was seeing, living in them while she walked around.

*Sigh, Sung Yoon sighed, making a stop in the living room once again. Looking around but this time not in the past, she thought.

Gosh, her brother was still a neat freak.

The living room, kitchen, bathroom (She hasn't checked the bedrooms yet) were all clean. 

(She knew that much enough though it was dimmed lighted in the house)

Certainly, her brother cleaned the whole house.

Did.....did he do this to busy himself from all that he was going through?

That had to be.

*Sigh, Sung Yoon sighed sadly, heading for the room she used to share with her brother.

His brother hasn't changed. Sure he was a neat freak but,......... Whenever he's going through something depressing, he used to busy himself with cleaning as well.

Just to forget about it for a while.

She believe, this time was as well.

And this brings up the question, 'Did it work in this situation?"


She didn't think so.

Taking the stairs and reaching the room she used to share with her brother, Sung Yoon found out the door was slightly opened and just like the other rooms (Living room, kitchen, bathroom) in the house, the room was also dimmed.

Thankfully, it wasn't total darkness. It wasn't good for his brother. No one should be in total darkness when they're going through something depressing.

It only makes matters worst. She knew this because she has been there. When she was suffering from that illness (Cancer), she used to sat in total darkness as well. And it never helped. It only made her feel more depressed, alone.

It never helped.

Sung Yoon breathed in and out to calm down the racing of her heartbeat (Because she was nervous and scared) and to also gather some courage.

It didn't take long for her to obtain what she needed, courage, however, she was still nervous and scared, and her heart was still racing because of these two reasons.

Even so, she decided to take a step ahead.

And just when she was about to take a step, she heard the sound of someone sobbing and then the voice of her brother, saying

"I'm so sorry mom, dad. This happened all because of me. If.....If only I stayed with you guys. If only I thought of you. If only I didn't think I am the only one going through Sung Yoon's death. Then......then.....this wouldn't have happened. I wasn't here. I didn't take good care of you. I was selfish. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry"

And she felt her brother break down in tears.

Without realizing, tears streamed down her eyes. Knees no longer having the strength to keep her on her toes, Sung Yoon leaned against the wall and slowly, she fell down on the floor.


Propping her knees against her chest, Sung Yoon cried out.

Letting out all the pain, the frustration. The anger she felt.

Everything was her fault. Everything!...... but.....but she will make up for it.

True she can't bring her parents back to life.

But she can make sure her brother gets through this.

Make sure he gets over this.

Make sure he's doing well in life before she crosses over.



Fried rice and egg rolls with chicken was the only food she can make and that's exactly what she made for breakfast for her brother.

And anyway, as far as she knew, it was her brother's favorite.

............okay fine! So fried rice and egg rolls with chicken wasn't the only food she can make.

She can also prepare simple foods for breakfast.

But,...... She chose this food for a very good reason. She wasn't going to say it had something to do with gain energy or strength or....for good health, no, not those crap (Her words not mine)

Well, she did test the water.

She wanted to know if her brother will remember her when he sees and try the food she made for him.

Not to forget, she will also get to know if he's angry with her or not.

But for now, Sung Hoon can't know she made the food.

He might freak out.

And that's why she got a piece of paper and pen.

She will pretend the two jokers made the food.

"Done" Sung Yoon said happily, looking at the piece of paper which had a message 'We cooked this for you, eat up. From Joon and Young (Tom and Jerry. Tom's name is Joon and Jerry's name is Young)' on it.

With this, her plans will surely succeed with no problems.

She thought happily, feeling relief as well.

With the food set on the dining table, she placed the piece of paper and pen beside the it. Sung Yoon smiled happily, hoping Sung Hoon will like her food.

Turning to the direction of the stairs which led to the bedrooms upstairs, she saw Sung Hoon staring surprisingly at the food she prepared.

Sung Yoon froze in place, eyes widened as she stared at her brother.

Why was he here now? He didn't see her writing the message right?

"Food?" His brother asked himself, surprised and confused.


No matter how many times she stared at her brother, she still found him more handsome than anyone else.

Sung Yoon was right. Sung Hoon was a handsome man but I can't say he was the most handsome man in the world.

He had short dark black hair and brown eyes, just like Sung Yoon.

They resembled each other a lot and if Sung Hoon wasn't a male, a lot of people would have mistake him for Sung Yoon.

They weren't twins, they just looked a lot alike.

Sung Yoon kept staring at his brother who was seated at the dining table, just staring at the food before him instead of digging in.

Why wasn't he eating? Sung Yoon wondered.

She watched as her brother took the piece of paper which had her message written on it before looking at the pen she used to write the message.

Oh no, she forgot to put the pen at where she took it. Screw her!!

But, doesn't mean Sung Hoon will find out she wrote the message right?

Studying the handwriting on it, Sung Hoon looked back at the food once again before he broke out in tears.

Saying, "Sung Yoon, you're here right?"

The handwriting. Shit! Sung Hoon knew his friends, their handwriting, well enough to know neither of them wrote the message.

She also forgot, neither Joon nor Young can cook!!!!

So stupid of her?!! How could she have forgotten this!!!

Sung Hoon also knew her handwriting very well, well enough to know the message was written by his sister.

The food was also prepared by her as she was the only one who knew fried rice with egg rolls made by her was his favorite. Even their parents didn't know this.

It was something that only the two of them knew. Something between them.

The rice and eggs were cooked exactly how he liked it so did how the food was arranged.

This might sound crazy, strange or weird but he wasn't wrong.

Sung Yoon made this food and she was here.

"Sung Yoon, you're here right?" His brother said in tears and she broke down as well, tears streaming down as she answered,

"I'm here" even though her brother couldn't hear her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry you had to leave alone"

Turns out her brother wasn't angry about what happened to their parents. He didn't blame her.

However, he felt guilty for leaving her alone.

He felt guilty about not being there when she took her last breath.

"I don't blame you hyung. I'm not angry. I'm just glad you're not angry" she said through tears even though she knew he couldn't hear her.

"I'm sorry" his brother apologized again and she hugged him, wrapping her hands around her neck.

And for a moment there, she thought her brother felt her presence, felt her touch because he tensed before suddenly calming down.

Sung Joon didn't have the same reaction (Felt cold) as when she touched Tae Jin and that's because, she used her powers to hug him.

Sure she's not supposed to do that but she couldn't help it.

Sung Yoon has used more of her powers than she should but it was worth it.

Her brother was happy even though he was still sad. He wasn't angry with her either. He noticed her presence, felt her touch.

It was worth it in her book.


She also used more of her powers to hold stuffs and cook the food. 

This one time (Using more of her powers once again to hug her brother) won't bring her harm right?

She won't become invisible right?

She said before that using your powers to touch a human is a dangerous technique, (That's why is a secret to some ghosts) right?

To touch a human (who wasn't your special one) you'll have to use half of your powers. Sung Yoon who has already used more of her powers, (When she prepared the food for her brother) has now used half of her powers to hug her brother.

So, she's worried even though she didn't want to admit this to herself. Is she going to disappear from the lives of the people and ghosts who knew her? Is she going to turn invisible?

This was the consequence for using your powers to touch a human after all.

This was what she was told by other ghosts.


"She's not here. Where did she go?" Hae Jin asked worriedly. 

He and Tae Jin stood in his room where he thought Sung Yoon spent the night but it turns out she wasn't here.

Where was she?

"The question should be when did she go out and where did she go?" Yes, that was the right question.

Tae Jin got up early this morning (Around 5am) to clean the porch and he did not see Sung Yoon go out. He didn' even see her shadow inside or around the house.

Author: For your kind information, ghosts have shadows but only people who can see ghosts are the only ones who can see their shadows as well. Now let's continue.

"I have to find her"

"But where will you start? You don't even know where she might be. Also, you can't leave this house"

Great! There goes his problem.

*Sigh, it really sucks to be trapped!

"You're right, I..."

"Let's just wait for some time if she's still not back, I will go search for her myself" Tae Jin assured him with a smile and even though he wanted to argue, he knew Tae Jin was right.

And so, Hae Jin decided to keep his 'But' to himself.

Great! Saves me the trouble of writing that.

Hae Jin: You.........

Author: What? (I feel like I just won)

Hae Jin: Nothing please continue.

(I won!)

*Clear throat, anyway, let's continue.

"I'll go wait for her downstairs"

"Okay" And Hae Jin left. Tae Jin was just about to leave but suddenly, he thought of looking around the room. Maybe Sung Yoon left a message for them.

Heading for the bed, Tae Jin looked on it but there was nothing. Looking on the stand beside the bed, his eyes caught something that shocked the hell out of him.

To add, he was also burning in anger.

The book cover.

Wasting no time, he took the book staring at the book cover with so much anger in his eyes.

Hae Jin just found the bl comic Hae Jin was still reading.

The poor ghost is in trouble.

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