
HP 2


Jack though was true to his words and he put me in school, surprisingly it was easy after he told them I was home schooled and presented paper evidence and even a teacher, well he was a goon or a leader of one so they had such connections and shit, well aside schooling he started teaching me how to fight, for strength he said, no boy from New Jersey should be beaten up in a fight.

I put in more effort in my school and pumped as hard as I could and at 17, I was a graduate, ready to face the world, and Jack started getting info about scholarships and that type of stuff, finally he found one for Smith and Gold co.  and that was when my means was formed.

Jack found out everything about the man so I could apply but I wasn’t really interested since the university he was sponsoring was in Canada, I wanted to go to places where business thrived like New York and its likes but apparently he was giving back to his place of origin, so when Jack was getting his info I paid little mind and kept looking for more in New York.

Then on a beautiful day Jack permitted me to come to his house and for the first time I saw where he lived, it was in a secluded part and it was in a really serene part of town, and a really high mansion, I was so shocked, and I started looking at Jack differently, we went I and the house even more awesome, my first question to him that day was why he couldn’t sponsor my schooling.

“Why should I? I didn’t get your mama pregnant, so why should I? By the way you should know how to live as a scholarship student, that shit will harden you up for good”, he had said.

Then he walked off living me in this large ass living room, with walls so high, and white walls, he even had rich people couch and shit, I was scared to sit or touch anything for fear of putting dirt on it all.

So instead I walked towards this big ass TV, but before I can touch it or look at the picture that drew my attention in the first place, “Step away from my Television boy”, Jack shouted from the staircase where he stood and I stumbled back almost falling on my ass.

“Well sorry” I say putting my hands up and turning to him.

“A simple shout and you’re stumbling and falling on your ass, when I say you should grow up, you think it’s all a joke”, he shouts still scowling.

I put my palms up and move to another beautiful painting.

“Sit your ass down boy”, he hisses at me coming closer.

When I don’t make a move to sit, he pushes me and I fall in the sofa, and he puts on the TV, “you want to go to a school of rich kids and you’re scared of a couch, boy grow up, you’re 17 already, damn it”, he says as he sits beside me.

“Well I still have a few years to_”

“_Poor people were created as leaches, they fold you and cling to you and then start to leech from you as much as possible and that’s why Smith & Gold cooperation has limited his scholarship program to just within Canada, to give back to at least my community”

“Son of a bitch”, Jack spat at the TV.

“Who is that?”

“Exactly who I said it is, a fucking son of a cock sucking bitch”

“And this fucking son of a cock sucking bitch is on the television while we are here watching and cussing, pray tell, who is in a better position”, I snarl.

And Jack’s eyes grow wide, who knew you could speak like this boy, then he starts laughing, “Remember the Smith & Gold I’ve been in your ass about, that’s the owner, he practically rules half of the world, half he has in his pocket the rest are clamoring to get into his pocket, so dear boy, that is William Smith and he fucking owns us, and his rude ass always makes that known, fucking hate him.”

“Found my fucking ladder”, I mutter.

“What was that?” Jack says.

“Oh, it’s nothing, I just think I want to go to Canada after all”, I say.

“Well, if I knew seeing the fucker would convince you, I would have shown him to you ages ago”, Jack stood and moved to another part of the house.

“_The world loves power, and that is the only mantle you can use to rule, if you lose everything, don’t ever lose power”, he was saying as I moved closer to the television, my heart pumping real hard, this man held power, and this man had someone who would inherit the power, and I was going to get it by all means, it didn’t matter who I was going to step on but I was going to be standing in that spot.

“What are you doing boy”, I heard Jack shout almost as soon as I heard his footsteps.

“I am going to need money, and I want to look all big and buff, because next year when I am 18 I will go for a scholarship in Canada and I will get it, that will be my first step to William Smith and then I will take that power, all of it will be mine”, I say with a smile.

Jack looked at me for at least a full minute then he bursts out laughing, “Damn boy, you should go into standup comedy and shit”, he says as he moves towards me, “I mean with that scary ass teeth of yours, you’ll either scare them to laugh at your jokes or they find you hilarious”

“Don’t ever laugh at me old man”, I snarl, “never repeat that mistake”, I say letting all the anger and hate I feel for this man and this situation.

“I got it man, I got it”, he said shifting back and looking at me strange, “you’re going to be a messy one in the end, aren’t you? That much anger is self-destructive” he finishes just before he turns and disappears into the corner.

I turn back to the television and stare at the picture of William Smith, 1 year, “just 1 year and I will be in front of you and I would be the best fucking leach you have ever seen, but when you find out it would be too late, by then I would hold your power, I’ll teach you a lesson for that careless talk about poor people”, I said aloud to myself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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