

"Shut the hell up! You stupid ass boy! Do you know how long she cried because of you?!" Clayton exploded and before I could do anything he rammed into Dalton and they went tumbling off the porch and onto the front lawn. I gasped as Clayton pinned Dalton underneath him and started punching him repeatedly.

"Stop it!" I yelled and Clayton only glared at me and started punching harder. Dalton groaned and somehow kicked Clayton off. Dalton quickly got to his feet and so did Clayton. My friend was bleeding and my mate was hungry for more violence.

"What the hell is going on out here?!" A voice said behind me and I jumped and dread creeped through me as I turned and saw my father and mother standing in the doorway wide eyed.

"H-hey Daddy... Mama." I said as they stared at the scene behind me.

"Dalton? What's going on?" My mother said sounding confused.

"Who's that?" My father said staring at Clayton. Clayton and Dalton were still glaring at each other.

"That's... He's-" I started.

"I'm Alpha whoopdidoo." Clayton growled and gave a shrug. I froze.

"What?" Everyone said in unison except Clayton and I.

Clayton laughed darkly and gave me a wink, "So Katlyn do you wanna tell them or me?" He said leaving Dalton and strolling over to me.

"I don't know what you mean." I stated softly and Clayton chuckled. He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me to him as he spoke to my bewildered parents.

"Look at my eyes-yeah I know- I'm Alpha. The wolf. Well werewolf. And your daughter here is my mate. She's mine and will be living with me." I paused at his last sentence. Hold up. Living with him?

"Wait. Who says I'm living with you? You're a dick Clayton. I really just want to be away from you right now." I said slipping out of his grasp. He looked hurt for a second then he growled. He averted his attention back to Dalton whom was pinching his bleeding nose.

"This is your fault." He growled at me friend and Dalton just rolled his eyes, "Yeah I'm the reason she doesn't like you. It's so not that you're a dumbass." Dalton said and Clayton started toward him.

"If you touch him again you're not coming back in this house." I said and Clayton paused then turned back to me and suddenly crouched. In seconds he was Alpha again and he stalked over to me and wagged his tail softly. My parents were freaking out, as was Dalton.

"Yeah he's a werewolf... Please keep it a secret." I said as Alpha yipped and licked my hand. We were all inside and I had to explain everything to my parents and Dalton because Alpha had remained in his wolf form the entire time.

"What's that on your neck?" My father asked suddenly and I gulped.

"Umm Clayton did it." I said pointing at my wolf. My dad frowned and fixed Alpha with a glare.

"Now Alpha I don't know how this works but this is directed at Clayton: Stay off my daughter like that boy." My dad said sharply and Alpha whined and snuggled closer to me. I chuckled and petted his head.

"It's funny Alpha's so loving... But Clayton's..." I started but stopped.

"A dick? An asshole?" Dalton spoke from where he sat in a chair by the wall. He was bruised and had a bloody nose but nothing to horrible.

"Yeah." I said with a slight shrug.

Alpha yipped and pranced around the room. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"What did he mean by taking you with him to live?" My father said suddenly and I shrugged.

"I have no idea." I said as Alpha hopped beside me and licked my arm.

"Enough of that. Change back Clayton." I said slightly annoyed. Alpha snorted. I grabbed the boxers he'd been wearing and handed them to him. Alpha took them in his jaws.

"Are those my boxers?" My dad said suddenly and Alpha paused and looked at me then my dad.

"Yeah..." I said softly and my dad huffed and Alpha went around the corner and out of sight. There was a cracking noise and we all looked at each other awkwardly.

Moments later Clayton came around the corner in all his godliness and sat beside me.

"Y'all know I could hear everything y'all said right?" He growled with an annoyed look.

"Well it was true." Dalton said and Clayton flipped him off.

"Very mature." My friend said sarcastically and my mate growled softly. Dalton just rolled his eyes.

"So when are you packing your stuff?" Clayton said giving me a look with a raised eyebrow and everyone glared at him.

Hey everyone.

Hope you enjoy! I really love the comments I'm getting.

I love you too silent readers!

I should update tomorrow! Fingers crossed!

"All I'm saying is that I don't like her hanging around here. She should be with me, with my pack. Hell they need their alpha back and they'll be thrilled to meet my mate. If not they'll just have to deal with it. She's mine and I need her." Clayton growled while holding me to him on the couch. We'd been having this discussion for hours and everyone was starting to lose their patients.

"My daughter isn't just some object for you." My dad grunted out and Clayton scoffed.

"I never said she was! But if you wanna go down that road then fine! She's my goddam property and only mine! The only thing to touch her is going to be me! She's my mate! I'll fight anyone that tries to take her from me! I own her!" Clayton snarled and hurt coursed through me. I elbowed him in the side and he grunted a bit and squished me against him.

"You don't own me. Let go of me! You stupid egotistical bastard! I hate you!" I yelled and Clayton loosened his hold. I wrenched free of his grip and ran up the stairs and into my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. In a second after I locked it a knock sounded.

"Katlyn... Let me in. I need you. And besides you can't hate me, you can only love me. Now let me in." Clayton growled from the other side of the door.

"Just leave me alone! I don't want to see you! Stay away from me! I can hate you! I hate that you're such an ass and so damn cocky!" I screamed and laid down in my bed.

"Let me in Kate." My mate groaned and I screamed into my pillow.

"Go away." I cried.

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