

“Hello my love”

Aldro called as he walked closer to Freya, and with each step, Freya backed away with a cold emotionless face, till her body hit the stark cold wall of the room, Each step gave Freya a painful migraine as he trudged close with his eyes on her, as Aldro Reached for her, his face in awe of her beauty “ you look exactly like her” he whispered as his hands reached up to trace her face,

And Freya roughly pushed his hands away, his smile died as he dipped his head down and peered at her “ such beauty wasted on these mere weaklings, I am not the enemy here Freya”

Aldro said she dared to look calm with no guilt in his eyes and Freya hated every last piece of him, she hated him.

“ you killed my father! So you cannot tell me you aren’t the enemy!” Freya screams at him in rage,

She moved forward to attack him but the chain stops her and slows her down, as the silver chains were taking away her strength and she had become powerless to face him off “ you are a fucking coward for
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