
celebrating their honeymoon

Getting in the passenger’s seat, Leila could not help but feel giddy. She did not know where Ryan wanted them to go but she was not overly concerned about that. Ryan, on the other hand got into the driver’s seat and started the ignition. Looking at him playfully, Leila thought of asking about where they were going until she could no longer hold back. Smiling coquettish at him, she blinked her eyes, in an effort to look flirtatious though on the contrary she looked silly.

Seeing her antics, Ryan released a loud laugh that showed his joy. “So where are we going Hun, would you please tell me,” Leila said still attempting to batt her eyelashes in that unflattering manner, that caused Ryan to smile. Making dovey eyes, she looked so cute and he could not help pinching her chubby cheeks.

“Ha-ha relax, I’m just going to kidnap you for a while, how does that sound.” Ryan said as he threw her a wicked flirtatious smile, accompanied by a dirty wink. This elicited a laugh from her and she felt herself relaxing. She was actually excited about this little trip, whatever it was. So, at that point, Ryan drove the car and they glided swiftly, leaving behind the woods, now approaching the city. The sun hung high up and the occasional flick of it across the windows made her feel warm.

The air conditioner in the car set to work and the place become cooler, making the environment refreshing. Following along the road, they moved to a place that was outside the city, going uphill. The surrounding became increasingly unpopulated until they got to one place that was covered in trees. It looked like trees fenced the compound that she saw. The green that contrasted with the yellowing grass made the place looked absolutely great. They drove to the gate, where it opened on its own volition, before driving down a driveway which could have been as well a whole kilometer.

Coming to a stop, the front part of the place was composed of well-trimmed gardens that encircled pillars, each with different sculptures. The place looked historic, antique like and yet also homely. There was a water fountain, throwing occasional jets into the air, which would fall back making little rainbows in the air. After she came from the car, she saw all this nature and she was flabbergasted. On the other hand, Ryan had an easy smile, indicating that this was nothing to be surprised of.

When she finally turned towards where they were going, it was when breath whooshed out from her lungs totally. “Holy shit, is this a house or a mansion or something else.” Leila said as she gaped at the tall building staring right at her face. It looked majestic and imposing. Laughing at her antiques Ryan managed to grab her hand as he propelled them forward. Not in her wildest dreams had she expected to come somewhere like this. It felt surreal.

Walking up the stairway leading to the two opulent doors, the doors opened on their own volition, something she came to know had been done by Tony, the house manager. They got in and the sight that greeted her made her flabbergasted. The door opened to an open area, which had a staircase spiraling upwards. Moving past the staircase, was the living room, which was well decorated. Then there was a dining table. Opposite the dining room was the kitchen.

This kitchen had to be the dream of every chef. It was stocked with different kinds of pans. The cabinets fixed at the top side of one kitchen wall looked breathtaking. The place looked spotless of course, apart from the few chefs around there cooking. The delicious aroma of freshly fried meat hit her nose before she started salivating. Respectfully, the main chef, whom she came to know was called Josh, called to Ryan. “Good day sir, everything is coming up well, in a few minutes everything will be set. He said as he turned to continue his work.”

On the other hand, Ryan acknowledged the gesture then went on to introduce her as the madam of the house. Excited cheers rose from the kitchen as they all greeted her cheerfully. Feeling the red color spreading across her cheeks, she pretend glared at Ryan, who in response just winked at her.

Shortly, after the introductions, he led her up the winding staircase, where she saw several rooms, which served as guest rooms. Finally, Ryan covered her eyes as he led her towards this one room. She guessed that it had to be the master bedroom. After getting in, he released her eyes and upon opening them, she could not help the short gasp of pleasant surprise.

The room was artistically decorated and yet did not have the feel of indifference, on the contrary, it felt homely. On a short table near the bedside, was a picture of Ryan smiling vaguely placed there. Following the amazing scent in the room, was the bed, which was sprinkled with lots of rose flower petals which were shaped to form the heart shape. From there, there were other smaller heart shapes atop the pristine white beddings. By the bed, there was a bottle of chilled wine and two wine glasses. This place was absolutely breathtaking.

The ground was littered with rose petals and candles that outlined the way. The window was locked and the curtains drawn, which gave the place a soft romantic feel. Feeling excited, Leila removed her shoes as she stepped tentatively on the beautiful petals. Holding her hand, he led her towards the room. Softly, he closed the door before bringing 

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