


It was after ten in the morning, and I was outside pacing back and forth. They should have returned by now. How long did it take to bring in one girl? Ian had taken three men with him. Charles, my third and good friend. Gunther, one of the pack's best trackers. And Drake, he had been my father's beta and was now the one we turned to when we needed answers from a prisoner. He knew how to get people to talk.

I was about to call Ian's phone when the van skidded to a stop a few feet away from me. Ian climbed out of the back, with Charles climbing out with him. Charles held towels to Ian's arms as blood seeped from them. Gunther climbed out of the driver's seat and walked around to help Charles with Ian, while Drake climbed out with a very much unconscious woman. My wolf tried pushing forward when our eyes landed on her face. That face that looked older and stronger than the one in the photograph in her file on my desk. And yet it looked so much the same. I pushed my wolf back, makin
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