
The encounter


5 years later;

"Shit! Completely slipped my mind to tell the manager about calling off the shoot today," Jasmine muttered, her voice tinged with frustration, as she entered the bustling lobby of the Sydney airport.

“My teacher said using curse words is really bad, Mama. And if you keep saying them, Santa will put you on the naughty list, and then you won't get any gifts,” a child's voice adoringly to Jasmine.

Jasmine halted abruptly, her gaze softening as she looked at her adorable daughter, who resembled a living Barbie doll. "Sweetheart," she began, her tone gentle, "I know I've been using curse words a lot lately, and I'm sorry. It's just that I've been feeling so frustrated because I keep forgetting things and it's throwing off my whole schedule."

"Mommy, you need a vacation," the small girl said, her smile bright as she tightly held her mother's hand. Though she was too young to fully grasp the struggle, she could see just how hardworking her mother was.

As they walked together, the people in the lobby couldn't help but steal glances at them. The mother and daughter duo exuded an undeniable radiance, both possessing a natural beauty and an aura of grace that captivated those around them.

"You read my thoughts. Yes, We will go on a vacation," Jasmine said with a smile. As long as her daughter was beside her she could no longer be tired.

Suddenly, Jasmine's momentary distraction caused her to bump into a man. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, quickly apologizing before resuming her walk with little Payne by her side.


Someone called out Jasmine's name, causing her to stop in her tracks. She turned her head to look behind her, but as soon as she laid eyes on the person who called her, her expression darkened, a coldness creeping into her features.

She was about to ignore the person in front of her, but her daughter spoke up "Your friend, Mommy!?" Payne's words caused Jasmine to pause abruptly, abandoning her urge to leave. She knew her daughter was remarkably observant, noticing every detail and eagerly discussing it whenever she sensed Jasmine had a spare moment.

"Paul," Jasmine muttered, her lips stretching into a forced smile, though beneath the surface, disgust swirled within her.

Paul was momentarily stunned as he laid eyes on Jasmine, who seemed like a completely different person. The sight of her with a child by her side served as a quick reminder that Jasmine was now a mother, a fact that hadn't quite registered until that moment.

Her sudden appearance caught him off guard, stirring up a mix of surprise and curiosity within him. The last time he had returned to the hospital to check on Jasmine, he had been informed that she was gone, with no one knowing her whereabouts.

"Where have you been!? I came for you at the hospital!" Paul's voice trembled with a slow, uneasy cadence, betraying the weight of his troubled thoughts. Jasmine sensed the gravity of the situation, realizing this was far from good.

"Paul, this is my daughter, Payne," Jasmine hastily interjected, her tone tinged with apprehension, fearing that his words might inadvertently raise questions in Payne's young mind.

"Hello, sir. You're Mom's friend, but you didn't know where she was. You must not be close to her!" Payne concluded with an innocent smile, though inwardly, she harbored ulterior motives. She wanted to discover her father, which was why she was delighted to return to where her mother used to reside.

"Payne, no!" Jasmine stopped her daughter.

"Hey girls!" another voice called from behind. Payne turned around and spotted Nadia, rushing over to her, letting go of her mother's hand in the process.

"Don't run, Payne!" Jasmine shouted, but her daughter paid no heed, as she had been spoiled by Nadia.

Nadia showered little Payne with kisses before scooping her up into her arms and walking over to where Jasmine stood. However, upon spotting Paul, Nadia couldn't hold back her irritation. "What are you doing here?!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with annoyance.

"Nadia, take Payne to my favorite ice cream parlor. I'll join you guys there later. Plus, Ceece hasn't arrived yet, and I need to talk to her!" Jasmine attempted to convey her message to Nadia, hoping she would understand.

"Yes, definitely," Nadia responded to Jasmine with a nod, before turning her attention to Payne. "By the way, I've brought a new car," she announced with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Really! Let's go!" Payne got excited since she loved the car.

Nadia swiftly turned around with Payne in tow and made her way toward the exit.

Jasmine turned her head to Paul and said sharply, "Never block my path or presume to initiate a conversation with me. Your actions and your surprise hold no significance to me."

Jasmine was ruthless; if she could, she would smack this man to death because she would never forget what he did that night, and because of him and Layla, she had lost her mother.

Before Paul could open his mouth to speak, Jasmine turned around to leave, but Paul grabbed her hand and stopped her from leaving in such a manner.

"Why assume I'm eager to talk?" Paul retorted sharply, his tone laced with bitterness. "I stopped you because I wanted to confirm if it's truly you returning with your daughter, a decision requiring courage. Don't paint me as the villain; you're the architect of the calamity that befalls you!" His words dripped with venom as he sensed Jasmine's disdain towards him.

"Let go of my hand!" Jasmine gritted her teeth, her nostrils flaring with anger, her voice edged with frustration.

Paul released Jasmine's hand with a sharp exhale, his gaze piercing as he hissed, "Your facade can never conceal your dark past."

"I don't mind my past!” Jasmine haughtily said, “But I'm warning you, if you pull a stunt like this again, I won't hesitate to slap you in front of everyone," Jasmine threatened, her icy stare leaving Paul no room to doubt her seriousness. His retreat was swift, realizing she wasn't joking.

"With all due respect, don’t even attempt to approach me in the future," Jasmine declared, her demeanor exuding an air of arrogance as she turned on her heel, leaving Paul with the stark realization that she was no longer the same vulnerable girl he once knew.

Paul gritted his teeth and stared at Jasmine's back with anger and frustration.

As Jasmine stepped out of the lobby, ready to hail a cab, she collided with something. Looking down, she discovered a boy. As he looked up Jasmine saw his mesmerizing grey eyes.

"Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry! I didn't see you there," Jasmine muttered, quickly kneeling to face the boy.

"What is your name?" Jasmine sweetly said.

"Dante!" The boy said, staring at Jasmine's face.

"Where are your parents, Dante?!"

The boy nodded, confusing Jasmine. Concerned, she glanced around, expecting to see his parents nearby, assuming they might have been searching for him.

But suddenly the boy placed his small hand on her cheek and said, "I want to eat something!"

Jasmine was at a loss for words since what she heard from this youngster was not what she had expected.

"Your parents must be worried sick about you. It wouldn't be fair for me to take you anywhere else, adding to their stress. How about I treat you to something to eat when we find your parents?"

"I have money. Can you take me somewhere to eat? I'm starving," Dante pleaded, his gaze fixed on Jasmine, who felt a pang of sympathy tug at her heartstrings.

Dante was in a bad mood when he noticed Jasmine and a young girl with her conversing and laughing. He observed Jasmine from the far corner as he gradually felt better. As a result, when he noticed Jasmine exiting the lobby, he left his father's side and pursued her.

Jasmine caught Dante's stare and could not help but think of her baby, whom she would never meet, which made her emotional. "Okay, but promise me you'll try to find your parents. We don't want to cause them any more worry by keeping them searching for you."

"Okay!" Dante obediently nodded.

Jasmine got up and took Dante's hand, then began walking toward a neighboring store in the lobby so she could keep an eye on people since it was not difficult to discover concerned parents who had lost their son in the lobby.

But before they began walking, suddenly, a cold voice echoed behind them, "Dante!" Dante's fingers clenched tightly around Jasmine's as they both turned to face the source. Standing there was a tall, imposing figure, impeccably dressed in a dark suit. His hair was slicked back, and his piercing gaze seemed to cut through the air like icy shards, enveloping them in an aura of intensity. He exuded an undeniable handsomeness, but there was an aura of danger emanating from him.

Jasmine's protective instincts kicked in, and she instinctively pulled Dante closer to her embrace, shielding him from the approaching figure. With a mixture of concern and defiance, she demanded, "Who are you?!"

The man narrowed his eyes and stared at the woman who held his son and asked him 'Who was he.'

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