

Greta opened another secret room with an elevator. The trio got in.

"Okay, we're almost there." Said Greta

"Yeah even the elevator seems kinda creepy." Audrey said

"Classic move of a crazy member of the family." Greta said

"Is it going down or up?" Adrian asked

"Down of course, it's a vault." Greta said the elevator began going down after a few minutes it came to a halt. Greta lead them through a passage. The came to a halt in front of a creepy door.

"Alright we're here, Audrey you're up." Greta said

Before chanting Audrey observed the door. It does have a lot if triggers just like the one guarding the map from school.

"Alright let's do this." Audrey said and she began chanting. After almost a minute her nose began bleeding

"We need to stop her." Adrian said

"Adrian don't you dare!" Greta threatened

"Or we'll all get trapped here and get caught for sure." Greta said

Adrian groans in frustration but he didn't stop Audrey, soon the door creaked open.

"Did it open?" Audrey asked

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