

Audrey walked down the stairs and Adrian was dumbfounded.

"Great what's with the look? Do I look bad should I change the dress, or my hair braiding." Audrey blabbered but Adrian wanted to stop her with a kiss but Audrey took a step backwards.

"Not now."

"What? Why can't I kiss you?" Adrian asked

"Because you'll ruin my make up. And do I look okay?" Audrey asked

"Beautiful, there's no other word for it." Adrian said with a smile.

"Well let's go." Audrey said and Adrian held her arms and they both left in his car.


Josephine arrived at the hotel

"Thanks for everything Clark for lunch, being my tour guide and also being a good listener." Josephine said

"I guess I should be thanking you as well for being there for me. You made my day, at least I wasn't bored." Clark said

"Well I guess we are two heartbroken souls, that needs to mend. Who would really like to go to the bar and drown their sorrows away in alcohol." Josephine said

"I feel the same way, but I'm sure they wouldn'
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