
120: Ice-cream and cake

The young couple finally managed to leave the house at past nine. Leila was all smiles as she got into her car. They were taking her car today. Kelvin tackled his seatbelt and she did the same with hers. “Ready?” 

“You are really not going to tell me where we are going?” he asked. 

Leila laughed and put the car in drive. “Nope.” Her eyes swept over his polo and jeans. It wasn’t common to see the great CEO in regular clothes. She glanced down at her tracksuit and winked at him. “But you’re dressed for the occasion. We will be there in no time.” 

No response left Kelvin’s lips and she laughed some more before turning on the radio. A slow song filtered into the car, a song her mother would have appreciated. Leila forced thoughts of her mother to the back of her mind. Today was all about Kelvin and their tenth month anniversary. They had been so busy with her troubles none of them notic

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