
154: I’ll try

Leila felt clean and brand new after her bath. Her mother didn’t bath her but she had stayed behind like she didn’t trust Leila to do it right. Putting on the first gown she saw, she crawled into the bed, grateful for her mother who climbed in right after her. Her eyes were heavy with tiredness but she couldn’t sleep. She needed Kelvin. She didn’t know what she would tell him. For now, his presence would be enough for her.

“Have you eaten?” her mother asked. They were both on the bed, facing each other. Leila didn’t want to worry her mother anymore so she nodded. Speaking might give her away. “What did you eat, Leila?” 


Her mother laughed. She smoothed the pillows she was resting her head on and poked Leila’s nose. “That’s still your favourite, isn’t it?” Leila nodded. As a teen, they had tried once to stop her from eating noodles but it didn&rsq

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