
43. Proposal

"Our journey isn't perfect, but it's ours, and I'll stick with you till the end"

~ Unknown

"You don't like it?" Salvatore's voice makes me realize I have been staring at the ring. I blink my eyes rapidly.

His left hand moves down towards ny thigh, he drags it up along my naked lower body, he stops at the side of my hip and squeezes the fat. I jump a little feeling shy.

"I - ah - don't you think we are rushing things?" I ask carefully, I don't know how to ask it more politely.

"No" he says firmly, I squeeze my lips together.

"Salvatore, I don't think I am ready for marriage" I say wetting my dry lips, he studies me with his dark eyes "there are somethings I want to achieve first" I say.

"I will be taking care of your family, you don't need to worry about it." He says casually, I sigh "no you will not, they are my family" I say looking away, he smacks my hip making me jump again, it's not harsh but strong enough to leave tingles, I glare at him, he winks at me.

I'm not a gold digger, i
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