
Friends and Awkwardness

“If you ever make me worry about you like this again I will kill you with my own hands,” Pen said as she sat on the bed in front of Thea holding her hand tightly her eyes filled with tears.

“I’m sorry,” Thea said with a wry smile.

This was the tenth time she apologized to her friend but there was no stopping Pen from her ranting once she started.

“I told you that guy is a scumbag from the start but you kept insisting that you had to give him a chance. If you keep giving a chance to people like him this is what’s going to happen!” Pen rambled on again.

She had dark circles around her eyes and she looked tired and pale. And the hand which was holding hers was still trembling even though it had been ten minutes since she came to her hospital room.

“Pen…” Thea said softly and Pen paused mid-rant looking at her, “I am okay now. I’m fine,” She repeated looking into her friend’s eyes as she squeezed her hands.

Those words were all Pen needed to release the sob she had been holding onto. She
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