

Lucian stood there as he watched the ambulance speed away. The Dean’s shell-shocked stare was still etched in his memory, along with Thea’s pale ghostly face as she smiled at him with a painful expression. Her eyes had slowly closed as if she was slowly letting go of everything around her, then as if blowing him away with a punch to the guts, her hand which had been squeezing his moments earlier fell to the ground with a lifeless thud.

The paramedics had said that she was in critical condition rushing her to the university hospital. Which was luckily closer from within campus than anywhere else. But still, the medics had looked worried.

“I did nothing! She was the one who attacked me!”

Lucian turned to the sound of cursing and screaming to see Robert struggling against the police officer who was holding him and leading him into the patrol car. He was somehow out of it as if detached from his body. Even though he was burning with rage at the sigh of that vermin, he couldn’t force or u
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