

Alex POV

I walk to my bedroom feeling very frustrated with Mason. Why would he do that. I was kidding about the whole Jason thing. He doesn't always have to be so damn possessive.

I just got so damn mad when he spoke about those girls. I now realise that he felt the same way last night.

I walk over to the closet and walk in and straight my underwear drawer. I get a comfortable and cute pair of baby blue panties and a matching bra.

I put on some light washed jean shorts and a loose black hoodie crop-top with no sleeves. I blow dry my hair and make some loose curls with the wand. Looking in the mirror, I am satisfied with my look and I walk out.

The smell of eggs and sausage invade my senses and a smile makes it way onto my face. I walk into the kitchen and I spot Mason behind the stove. Something about a man that can cook just turns me on,especially when it's my man.

I smirk at the thought of Mason and I using food when we do foreplay. A picture of him dripping chocolate sauce and
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