
Chapter - 4

Zale P.O.V

Another fucking sleepless night! I stroll around my bedroom balcony with a glass of bourbon in my hand.

It’s been two days since I brought Amara here, two days of having her live just a few blocks away from me, two days of being addicted to her intoxicating scent, two days of her thoughts messing up my mind.

Abandoning her back there with a bunch of men is driving me crazy, knowing all my men's eyes would be skimming her every move but right now I need to keep her away from me before I do anything I regret.

The sudden click of my door alerts me. I turn towards the entrance and see Asher entering.

“What are you up to?” he asks, pacing towards me.

“Just chilling!”.

“Geez, who would chill in the freezing night breeze without a fucking shirt on?” he complains.

I ignore him taking a sip of my drink.

“I am here to talk about tomorrow's mission” he finally utters.

“What about it?”.

“The plan is to seduce Mr. Wang and steal the pen-drive from him. So, we need a woman, a beauty to be exact!” he replies.

“Whom are you suggesting?” I raise a brow and he spills the very expected name.


She was indeed a beauty, everyone who has eyes which are working can acknowledge that. But no I don’t want her on this mission for a fucked reason, which i couldn’t figure myself out. +

“Not her. She is not ready yet. Find someone else!” I dismiss.

“Why? Aren’t you training her up for missions like these? So, what’s the problem? Don’t tell me you started to care for her!” he taunts.

“I care about nothing but the mission. This can be our only chance; I don’t want to mess it up!” I roll my eyes at him.

“If you say so..” he shrugs.

“How’s Amara training going, anyways?” I ask, trying to sound casual.

“Apparently, she is trying to refrain from using her leg and focusing more on simple tricks with knives” he updated.

“Why?” I frown.

“Because she sprained her right ankle” he reasons.

“During the training?”.

“No, since the day you brought her here!”.

Since the first day? I think back on where and when she got hurt.

“Okay then, I shall go and find a woman for tomorrow” he left bidding good night.

Dropping the glass on the coffee table, I quickly put on a shirt and start heading towards the training building.

I pass over many of my men and notice Albert at a far end corner. In a moment Albert immediately notices my presence and walks up to me.

“Boss, did something happen?” he questions.

“Where is Amara?”.

“She is done with her training for today, she should be in the changing room” he fills in.

Acquiring the info needed, I head towards the changing room.

Standing right infront of it, I raise my hand for a knock when I hear her velvety voice.

“Thank you, Jackson!”.

My anger shot up hearing another man’s name from her mouth. Then comes a different voice.

“You look beautiful when you smile, Amara”.

His fucking audacity.

I literally kick the door open and see the scene unfolding infront of me. Jackson tucking Amara’s hair. He fucking touched her?

My body burned with rage. It took every nerve in my body to restraint myself from killing that fucker.

“What the hell is happening here?” I lash at Jackson.

“Boss!” his tone trembles.

“Did I interrupt your lovey-dovey moment?” I turn around to meet Amara’s frightened gaze and say the words I never intended in the first place.

“You will be going on a mission tomorrow!”.

“But boss, she is not yet ready---” I glare back at him and he zips up.

I then dash out of the changing room.

Entering the mansion, I stride directly towards Asher’s bedroom. I need something which can help in deflecting my anger and work has always been the best option.

As I approach, the moans erupting loudly from Asher’s room just add up to my frustration making me bang hard on his door.

In a couple of minutes, the door opens.

“Who the hell---” he stops.


A scowl on his face with no shirt and undone pants; I look behind him and see a woman under the sheets probably naked.

“We need to discuss tomorrow's mission” I say.

“Well, I am currently occupied with something that concerns the same. You wanted me to find you a girl who can seduce and that is what I am dealing with!” he points to the girl laying in his bed.

“Two minutes. In my study!” I say and leave.

“You son of a bitch!” his yell resonates in the hallway.

Next Day

Zale P.O.V

At noon, I entered the training building, only to see Amara, Albert and Jackson already gathered and discussing a few things probably regarding today’s mission.

I never expected Amara to adapt to this lifestyle this simply. I expected for her to break down, give up, fall through but I was amused when I saw her pick up every hurdle I threw at her.

Apart from being fascinated, a part of me felt content witnessing how much she belongs here, WITH ME. Being ALL MINE!

“We will go over everything only once, so I need all of your undivided attention here!” I slam the table, still angry at last night’s scene.

The meeting went on for an hour or so, and the whole time, Amara avoided my eye contact every single damn time. Wrapping up the meeting I attended with my other matters in hand. It was already evening and time for the mission by the time I returned.

Walking straight up to the training building, all I search is for Amara. At the entrance, I see Albert and Jackson all ready.

“What about, Amara?” I ask.

“Still in the changing room, boss” he informs.

Standing infront of the changing room, I knock on it and receive no response. Another knock and still no response.

Impatient, as I turn the knob around and open the door wide. And soon my eyes fall on the enthralling figure hiding in the room.

In a daze, my legs pace towards her as the door shuts with a thud grabbing her attention, as she finally faces me.

The red satin cloth flows elegantly till the tip of her toes. The thin straps holding onto her exposed shoulders relaxes the neckline low, revealing a right amount of her cleavage. The perfect fitting of the dress hugged her body at the proper curves.

Only when she shuffled on her feet nervously under my gaze, I found the slit start at her mid-thigh through which her slender long leg peeks out. Fucking hell!

The urge to roam my hands all over her body, the urge to take her right against the wall right now, had me doubting my limits.

Having a mind of their own, my legs walk up to her. A gasp erupts from her when I slam her roughly against the wall behind her.

“Your body scent is dangerously enticing, kitten” I feel her shiver as I dig deeper into her neck inhaling.

A smirk growing on my lips aware of the effect I have on her.

Grasping both of her hands which are desperately trying to push me away, into my one hand, I pin them above her head. My free hand slowly trails down to her thigh feeling her tense up under my touch.

Her breath hitches when my cold hand comes in contact with her warm exposed skin where the slit starts.

“W-what are you doing?” she staggers.

“Take your fucking hands off me!” she wriggles.

“Why? Isn’t this what you were doing with Jackson last night? You enjoy his touch but not mine?” I squeeze her thigh hard in fury.

“You misunderstood. There is nothing between us” she yelps in pain.

“Oh, sure there is. The way he looks at you, the way he takes care of you, the way he adores you says there fucking is something between you”.

I slip my hand under her dress caressing her thigh softly.

“No, don’t!”.

Her disapproval only makes my hand move higher. Reaching her mid-thigh I feel her knife-thigh strap and sneak in the knife I bought with me earlier.

She frowns at me in confusion once she feels the cold metal against her skin.

“I saw how through and good you are with knives so, I have it made specially for you”.

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