
Chapter 9.5

Serena's face heated when she saw Rooka's bed. It was black and made of silk. Just like her premonition. What her premonition failed to show her was the size of the bed. It was big. 

They were naked, both trying to touch, both moaning in pleasure…

She quickly walked to the kitchen and washed her face. The flashes were getting hotter and she was getting flustered. She was no virgin, but the two sexual experiences she had, was nothing compared to this. And the man had kissed her once! 

Is this how it feels to have a mate? Serena asked herself. The strong emotional connection they had was something she couldn't deny. It was like Rooka was so aware of her very needs that a simple touch alleviated all her fears. And she, in return, calmed the wolf trying to seek vengeance for her sake. 

It was crazy...but it felt right.

Her rumbling stomach broke her inner musings. One more splash and she was done. When she fully looked at her surroundings, a delightful smile appeared on her face. 

The kitchen was a dream come true. It was an open concept, and the center island with black marble tiles was the main highlight. The L-shaped counter had the same color and texture as the center aisle. At the end of the L-shaped counter were two fridge, both were two doors. Well, he is a were being, she thought to herself. The upper and lower cupboards had the same color, but the groves were painted in gold to make them look elegant. 

The counter was clean, she opened one of the drawers and found all the knives and cooking utensils neatly arranged on each drawer. One by one, she opened each cabinet. Glasses, utensils, dishes, and pots and pans were all stored on each cabinet. Even the spices, condiments, and pantry needs were stored in the cabinet on the center island. The oven was facing the other side, adjacent to the sink. The double burner was just an arm's length from the sink making clean-up easy. 

There were at least four stools around the counter. She sat on one as she stared at the window that was located near the sink.

She was okay. The last three days were not even the tip of the iceberg. If not for Rooka, she would have killed herself. The pain she felt was too much, however, with what she had learned. What she was feeling right now, was nothing , compared to the man who was sleeping in the bedroom.

Serena closed her eyes, 'Lem? Can you hear me?'

'Princess, is there something wrong?' Lem was at the Manor, he was to be with Megan and it also gave the two Alpha’s a chance to just be them. 'Are you alright?'

'I’m okay, Lem. We were attacked -' 


'But Rooka was able to kill them. So we are fine. How is Meg?'

Lem was suddenly silent. Then he tentatively said, 'Drunk. Megan drank Were Being wine.'


'She is okay, Rena. I saw her being carried by Wayne. She was telling the Beta that she missed her daddy.'

'Is Wayne okay?'

'He was still alive, the last time I saw him, so I guess he is okay.'

'Good. I’m going to be sleeping in Rooka’s house. You don’t have to be worried about me.'

'I will always worry, princess. I trust Rooka. I am sorry that I cannot tell you about him. It was not our place.'

'It was not your fault, Lem. I don't blame anyone, if mom and dad are alive, they would be the ones telling me about my mate. Aunt Seraphina is here, so I’m good.'

'Seraphina is scary'  Lem heard his princess laugh. It was a sound that he had not heard since the death of his queen. He smiled, somehow, he knew that Serena would be okay. 

'I have to go. I'm hungry and it looks like I have to cook something for us. Have you talked to Lily?'

'Yes, she is fine. She is worried about Zahir, but I told her not to feel that way. He is powerful Were Being with people behind his back. So she should not be that worried.'

'I’m glad she is okay. Talk to you later, Lem.'

Serena closed the connection between them and began to stretch her arms. She wanted to cook something for Rooka. And since she was in her dream kitchen, might as well take advantage of it. 


The smell of something delicious and mouthwatering woke Rooka from his sleep. He blinked several times to clear the cobwebs from his brain. Slowly the events that happened earlier came rushing back. He wearily rubbed his eyes and sat up. Serena was safe and cooking...again. A sleepy smile escaped his lips as he stood up and walked to his bathroom. 

Rooka took his time in the shower. Washing away all the filth and grime from his body. He was still sore from Wayne's beating, a few bruises, and he could feel his cracked ribs healing. What he needed was food, his stomach rumbled just thinking what his mate was cooking. From the smell coming from the kitchen, it would be the best meal he had. 

He stepped out of the shower, rubbed his upper torso, and slung the towel on his shoulder. He wore black sweatpants and walked out of his room while he was drying his hair. The moment he rounded the corner leading to his kitchen he stopped in his tracks. 

Serena was singing. Singing a Japanese song, no, she was not off-key, but he could not help but be amazed at the way she sang the song. It was like she was a native speaker. 

ねえ 愛したら誰もが

Hey, when they're in love,

Nee aishitara daremo ga


Does everyone get this lonely?

konna kodoku ni naru no?

ねえ 暗闇よりも深い苦しみ

Say, do they embrace the pain

nee kurayami yori mo fukai kurushimi


That's even deeper than the darkness?

dakishimeteru no?


It's all been so that we can shine,

nani mo kamo ga futari kagayaku tame


I just know it!



I...I love you

kimi wo kimi wo aishiteru


I'm gazing at you with my heart.

kokoro de mitsumete iru


I...I believe you

kimi wo kimi wo shinjiteru


Even on the coldest night

samui yoru mo

涙で今 呼びかける

I call out to you now with my tears.

namida de ima yobi kakeru


I don't need promises or such things,

yakusoku nado iranai


Because of the precious strength that you've given me.

kimi ga kureta taisetsu na tsuyosa dakara

When the last words died, she was starting to sing another song. Rooka slowly walked behind her and caged her between him and the sink. Just like what he had done at Megan's Inn. Her hair was in a bun exposing her neck. He slowly rubbed his nose and inhaled her scent. He then gave a tentative lick, slowly bit, and sucked her skin leaving a kiss mark. 

Serena felt him, she grabbed the edge of the counter to keep herself upright. She could feel his heat and the warmth of his breath. A moan escaped her closed lips when he licked her neck. She unconsciously tilted her in surrender and gasped when he began sucking her neck. She reached for his hand, so she could hold on to him, but he turned her head, and kissed her lips. 

The kiss was consuming. It was hot, it was possessive, it was the kind of kiss that long-time lovers gave to each other. Rooka tenderly cradled her face while his lips possessed her. The way his tongue swiped her lips for entrance was slow yet dominant. Once his tongue was inside, her body lost all balance and he had wrapped his other arm around her to keep her upright. 

Her moan of pleasure drove Rooka to kiss her deeper. His tongue sought hers drawing it to his mouth so he could suck it. Then he let it go and bit her upper lip and soothed it with gentle swipes of his tongue. When lifted his face to look at her, her face was flushed, and her lips swollen. When she opened her eyes, it took all of his will power not to take her against the counter. 

There, in his mate's eyes, was the same need, and desire he felt. 

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Marfie Redona
that's hot. daaaaaayyyymmmm

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