
Hold on, Mr billionaire.
Hold on, Mr billionaire.
Author: Melissa Genius

Chapter 1: The Arrival

Meridian City was electric at night. The skyscrapers loomed against the dusky sky, their facades shimmering with countless lights. Streets bustled with people, the hum of traffic a constant backdrop. It was the kind of place where dreams were made and shattered in a single night, where ambition drove everything, and the stakes were always high.

I was at the annual Meridian Tech Conference, one of the biggest events of the year, a showcase for all the latest innovations in technology and design. My ticket in was a freelance gig with one of the tech companies showcasing their products. As a freelance graphic designer, it was a chance to network, to connect with new clients, and, hopefully, to land more gigs.

I’d dressed for the occasion, choosing a sleek black dress that hugged my curves in all the right places. It was sophisticated but not flashy—just enough to make a good impression. My hair was down in loose waves, and I wore my favorite red lipstick, the one that made me feel confident and bold. I stepped into the grand conference hall, a massive space with high ceilings and gleaming marble floors, already buzzing with excitement.

The hall was filled with booths and displays from the biggest names in tech. Holographic presentations, interactive exhibits, and product demonstrations were everywhere. I wove through the crowd, my portfolio tucked under my arm, my eyes scanning for familiar faces. I spotted a few acquaintances, but my focus was on my upcoming meeting with a new client. This was my chance to impress, to show what I could do, and to secure future work.

The client, a startup CEO named Marcus, had reserved a small meeting room off to the side. It was a quiet space, away from the hustle and bustle of the main hall. I arrived early, taking a moment to compose myself. The room was simple but elegant, with a large glass table in the center and a view of the city through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

I set my portfolio on the table and took a deep breath. This was it. I was ready to make my pitch, to show off my designs, and to secure a new contract. I glanced at my watch—Marcus was running late, but that was nothing unusual in this industry. I took out my phone, checking my emails and reviewing my presentation one last time.

Then, I heard it. A commotion in the hallway. At first, it was just a murmur of voices, but it quickly grew louder. People were talking, excited and animated. I frowned and stepped out into the corridor to see what was happening. The crowd was gathering, everyone craning their necks to get a better view of something—or someone.

"What's going on?" I asked a nearby attendant.

"Adrian Langston just arrived," he replied, his eyes wide with awe.

Adrian Langston. The name was legendary in Meridian City. CEO of a multinational tech company, he was the kind of person who could make or break fortunes with a single decision. Charismatic, ruthless, and undeniably attractive, he was the talk of the town. And he was here, at the tech conference.

I watched as his entourage made its way through the crowd. Security guards, assistants, and PR people surrounded him, creating a buffer between him and the rest of us mere mortals. He was dressed in a tailored dark suit that fit him like a glove, his hair perfectly styled, and a confident smirk on his lips. The crowd parted for him as if by instinct, everyone eager to catch a glimpse of the famous CEO.

I was intrigued, of course. Who wouldn’t be? But I had work to do. I turned back to the meeting room, determined not to let the chaos distract me. Marcus was still a no-show, but I wasn’t going to let that ruin my evening. I started to pack up my things, deciding to leave a note for him in case he showed up later.

Just as I was about to leave, the door swung open. I looked up, expecting to see Marcus. Instead, it was Adrian Langston himself, flanked by his assistants. He looked at me with those piercing blue eyes, his gaze intense and unblinking. I felt my heart skip a beat. What was he doing here? 

"Excuse me," he said, his voice smooth and commanding. "I need this room." 

I opened my mouth to protest, but the words stuck in my throat. The tension in the air was palpable. I had no idea why he was here or what he wanted, but one thing was clear: my evening had just taken a very unexpected turn.

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