
I Dare You, Alpha Jones Capturing His Pet
I Dare You, Alpha Jones Capturing His Pet
Author: Klaira Blains


          Raven Miller closed the main door after the last bar patron. The Moonshine Bar bustled with activity until now. She picked up the last chairs and stacked them on the tables.

          Later, Raven said goodnight to Jake, the owner, and went to catch the bus. Jake locked the door behind her. At the bus stop, the death march played from her pocket.

          The ringtone only played for one wolf. He never called with favorable news. Raven avoided seeing, Alpha Dominic Jones of the Humber Valley Pack. Three things set this alpha apart from the other alphas from Toronto. He’s a gambler, single, and he refused to search for his mate. No explanations, nor apologies.

          Alpha Jones was everything Raven didn’t want in a mate, and she didn’t aspire to be the Luna. She knew they were mates, which complicated things.

          Raven viewed her situation as an example of how twisted fate was.

          Call her crazy for avoiding the pain and humiliation of his public rejection. Raven lived at the edge of the Pack’s territory, worked outside the Pack, and avoided all Pack functions.

          Raven picked up the call. “Evening Alpha Jones. I’d say good evening, but you never call with favorable news. What’s my brother done this time? How much will it cost?”

          Liam Miller Jr. was no better than the wolf his name came from. Both males were self-declared professional gamblers, and failures. Liam Sr. died during a recent attack. Liam Jr. promised he’d stop gambling. Raven knew this call meant he’d lied.

          Alpha Jones’s rich baritone voice filtered through her phone. It sent shivers down her back, and she felt flushed in places. “Raven, where’s your brother?” His anger sounded cold, and it heated her own.

          Raven knew she didn’t help their case when her voice grew husky. Her wolf wanted to play with Alpha Jones’. She hated how her wolf didn’t care he was a gambler. Or he ran numbers, betting, and loans to supernaturals as a business. Of course, it’s all against the law.

          “I’m at work. He’s not answering my calls. So, I don’t know.” She knew he’d offended someone who’d complained to Alpha Jones.

          “Your brother’s caused me a lot of trouble. Expensive trouble and not just money. This time money won’t solve this.” She shivered at his deep disapproving tones reverberated in her ear and through body.

          “What do you want Alpha Jones? I don’t have much.”

          “I don’t want money, Raven. He’s gone too far. As the head of your family, it’s your responsibility to make reparations for his crimes. Liam Miller went against my orders and sold you, Raven Miller, into slavery. It’s unacceptable. Liam Miller is a rogue wolf. I expect you to gather your belongings and present yourself to me in the Grand Hall before noon.” The formality of Alpha Jones’s words had her wincing as a bus passed by the stop without stopping. He recorded this conversation, and he made this official.

          “Allow me to clarify, you and Liam gambled at the same table. He lost a lot of money. He couldn’t pay so he sold me, even though you told him no. How am l the criminal? I’m the victim. Aren’t you happy to be rid of me? I wouldn’t burden you.” Raven asked. She spoke the truth as she baited his temper. Raven knew her error by saying this. It hurt knowing the pack didn’t want her. She wanted him to know she was aware of how worthless she was to his Pack.

          “Enough! The Grand Hall before noon. You’ll learn your fate then.”

          “You’re a wolf who loves an interesting bet. I see you don’t want me. Let’s make this interesting.” She could hear his annoyed growl, but she pressed on. “I dare you, Alpha Jones. Catch me in twenty-four hours. If you don’t, I’ll volunteer to become a rogue. If you catch me, you can do as you like with me.”

          “Oh, honey you don’t know what you’ve done. I’m coming for you. You’ll be my pet in every sense of the word. I’ve waited a long time for this.” Alpha Jones dropped their call. Raven looked at her phone, confused.

          “What’ve I done? Did I poke a sleeping bear? Did I misinterpret something?” She didn’t want to read too much into his words. Dominic Jones called no one, honey. His wolf was in his voice. What did that mean?

          Her fight-or-flight response kicked in. She couldn’t blame this on Liam. She’d screwed up. Raven avoided Alpha Jones, so he didn’t realize they were mates. Raven wanted to avoid the humiliation of a public rejection and banishment.

          Her heart raced as she ran from the bus stop. She had to leave Toronto. She wasn’t safe. Unlike most cities, the Toronto Alphas weren’t enemies. Alpha Jones could reclaim her by asking any Alpha who harbored her. She had to leave.

          Dominic ended the call. Annoyed and angry before the call, he could add, bemused, and confused by the end. What made Raven loyal to Liam? He’s a fool. Dom didn’t understand how Raven protected Liam from his mistakes. Dom feared losing his mate if he did as he wished by removing Liam from his Pack or killed him. That ended now. Dom saw his mistake. He’d fix it today. He’d banish Liam Miller, which was Dom’s right after the disrespect and disobedience Liam showed in front of Alpha Klyne of the Red River Pack. An Alpha who Dom had issues with. It involved the Pack’s investment properties outside the city.

          What upset him were Raven’s words. Her words surprised him when she told he wanted her to leave. She’d leave if he didn’t find her in twenty-four hours. She’d bet him and become the object of a hunt. It had his blood singing and his fur tickling at his skin.

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