
chapter 49

Isadora's POV

As we entered the vast West Woods, tension thick in the air, I suggested, "We should split up. It'll help us cover more ground and find Lisa quickly."

Matamoros, immediately objected, "Isadora, it's too risky to split up. We could easily get outnumbered. It's safer if we stick together."

Casandra chimed in, nodding in agreement, "He's right. Strength in numbers. We don't want to take unnecessary risks."

I sighed, realizing they had a point, "Fine, let's stick together for now. But be ready to move fast if we get any leads. We need to find Lisa and get out of here as soon as possible." The urgency in my voice echoed.

As we ventured deeper into the woods, Matamoros spotted smoke in the distance. Drawing our attention, he gestured for us to follow. We approached cautiously and witnessed a disturbing scene—a campfire illuminating Lisa, tied to a tree, surrounded by masked rogues engaged in some sort of ominous ritual.

My heart sank at the sight, anguish washing over me as I
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