
CHAPTER FIVE: Meeting the Revered Divorce Lawyer


Divorce is never as easy as I thought it would be.

-[“I’m calling to inform you that Mr. Thorne has decided to NOT take your case. We can recommend good divorce lawyers if needed….”]- 

The woman’s tone is cool and reserved over the phone.

Confusion clouds my thoughts, and questions race through my mind—why would he turn me away? Is he busy? Or does he find my case not worthy of his time?

I quickly rush to the law firm, hoping to personally meet and talk to Marius Throne, but I’m told by his secretary that appointments with Marius Throne are currently lined up for a month from now.

So, he’s busy. Even so,... I’m still hoping that he’ll have a change of heart and accept my divorce case if only he can understand my situation. 

It’s a good case,  hard case to be exact - my prenup agreement is harsh and my husband was caught cheating red-handed. This may pique his interest.

The bustling lobby seems to shrink in an instant as I, lost in my thoughts, collide with someone in a sharp, tailored suit. I stumble back, instinctively apologizing.

"Oh, I'm so sor-!"

But when the man speaks, I freeze mid-apology. 

"Hazel?" he says, his voice a mix of surprise and recognition.

My brow furrows as I stare at him, trying to place the familiar handsome face. 

Then, it hits me. 

"Leslie?!" I exclaim, my confusion giving way to excitement. "It's nice to see you again!"

Leslie returns my smile, his eyes lighting up with warmth. "It's nice to see you again too."

My mind trips me back to our high school days, the laughter, the secrets shared, which were overshadowed by the years of silence that followed my marriage to Carter.

"It’s been a long time,” I say. “What are you doing in a place like this?"

A proud smile tugs at Leslie's lips as he proudly gestures around the lobby. "I work here as a Senior Legal Associate."

Senior Legal Associate? - I echo inwardly with awe.

Quickly, a glimmer of possibility shines through my uncertainty! And when Leslie asks the question back to me, I know I have to seize the opportunity.

“How about you, what are you doing here?”

In a heartbeat, I reply, "I'm divorcing my husband, and I need to talk to Attorney Thorne now. His secretary said he has many cases lined up for him. But he’s my only hope. Can you help me meet him, please?"

As I wait for his response, I look into his eyes, praying for a lifeline.

“Mr. Thorne is a troublesome boss, difficult to work with, and even harder to persuade,” he says.

My stubbornness refuses to let doubt cloud my determination. I’m desperate. Despite the warning signs, I press on, my resolve unshaken.

"Just let me talk to him. Then I'll decide whether I still want to trust my case to him or not... please?"

Leslie's smile turns brittle. "Alright. I'll try to talk to him first about you. Follow me."

I follow Leslie, then wait outside one of the doors that are lining the corridor as I watch him disappear into the room.

I hope Leslie's charm will be enough to sway Marius Thorne, to at least grant me a chance to plead my case. And maybe, just maybe, if I can make him understand, I can turn the tide in my favor.

After a moment of agony, Leslie finally emerges from the room, his smile radiant as he meets my eager gaze. 

“You may now enter,” he announces, his voice tinged with excitement.

My heart leaps with anticipation, and I can't help but squeal with delight.

With a grin, I say, “Thank you so, so much!”

I waste no time in crossing the threshold into the room. As I close the door, my eyes quickly fall upon Marius Thorne behind the mahogany desk.

He’s tall and he’s impeccably handsome too, more so than Leslie and even Carter himself. Clad in a printed suit, he exudes an air of impassiveness that sends chills down my spine. His jawline is sharp, his gold eyes are more piercing in person than they were on TV, and his dark hair perfectly groomed.

Marius’ voice is devoid of emotion just like his expression. "My secretary and Leslie told me that you’re planning to divorce your husband, Carter of the Whitlock Family.”

Surprised, I ask, "You know my husband?"

Is Marius Thorne turning me off because of my husband?

He dodges my question, and delivers his verdict instead. "I have a full schedule for the rest of the year to take on new cases. I can recommend good divorce lawyers to you If you need..."

Disappointment and frustration foam in my chest, my hands clenching to my sides. "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?"

Marius remains unmoved. 

Without a tiny hint of second-thought, he crashes me with a one-word answer, “None.”

Pride becomes my shield from rejection. I’ve walked away from anyone where I’m unwanted. I did that from Carter and his family, from my parents, hell, I can just walk away from this stranger too!

With a forced smile, I turn to the door. But just as I reach the threshold, a hand grips my wrist with unexpected force. Then, Carter's angry face looms over me. I struggle to maintain my balance.

"Carter, let go of me!" I demand, my voice trembling with fear and defiance.

“What do you think you’re doing here?!” he asks back, his face red with beasty fury.

Carter drags me aggressively. I try to free myself, shoving my wrist from his iron grip, but his strength is overpowering.

Finally, we reach the lobby, where curious eyes watch our confrontation unfold. 

Carter releases my wrist, but my humiliation doesn't end there. In a voice sharp and cold, he unleashes a torrent of threats that makes my blood run cold.

"I own half of this law firm. When my wife came to my firm looking for a divorce lawyer, You think I wouldn't notice that?——"

My eyes widen in surprise… that’s news to me.

Carter pinches my hand and says, “You didn't really think that you could find a lawyer who would dare take you on, did you?”

My mind goes blank, could this be the reason why Marius Thorne kept refusing me? Is there any other divorce attorney in town who will take my case? Who’s not scared of Carter?

Carter grabs my arm once again. “Stop defying me! You can’t just waltz out of our marriage without consequences. Didn’t I already make sure you know that? The hardship you’re going through now is just the tip of the iceberg of what else I can do to you."

I try to free myself, but it’s no use, Carter is much stronger than I am. He then tightens his grip on me, which prompts me to hiss in pain. 

“Carter, please,” I beg.

Carter parts his lips, but before he can continue his tirade, a pair of hands intervenes, grasping both my arm and his. I look up, and see Marius standing before us.

Carter raises an eyebrow, his arrogance refuses to falter. 

"Don't you dare interfere," he warns, his voice laced with hostility.

But Marius remains unfazed, his voice calm and resolute. 

"I have to," he counters. "Mrs. Whitlock is here to see me. Any legal advice regarding her, kindly proceed through me."

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