I Want A Divorce, Mr. Billionaire!

I Want A Divorce, Mr. Billionaire!

By:  Madel McDonough  Updated just now
Language: English
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Hazel's world is far from perfect. But, she’s happily married to the love of her life, Carter, a dashing billionaire and scion of the powerful Whitlock clan. Despite the raised eyebrows and skeptical glances from his elitist relatives, Hazel works tirelessly to be the perfect wife, striving to meet their lofty expectations. Carter's love is equally profound…. Or so she thought. On the day of their third anniversary, Hazel finds out she’s pregnant, and that Carter is having an affair with her best friend. Heartbroken and desperate, Hazel conceals her pregnancy and demands for a divorce, only to be met with Carter's ruthless ultimatum: stay and give him an heir or face financial ruin. With nowhere to turn, Hazel’s only hope is to seek the assistance of the best divorce lawyer in town - Marius Thorne. Little does she know that her relationship with her lawyer will turn out to be intimate and passionate, thus, making her enjoy all the perks of having him by her side.

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28 Chapters
PROLOGUE:Our three-year marriage is facing many challenges, and growing up as an orphan, who am I to expect anything better? My husband, Carter Whitlock, is everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Strong, kind, and fiercely devoted, he’s swept me off my feet from the moment we first met. In his arms, I’ve found solace and belonging. My mother-in-law, Elmyra, always has a disapproving gaze that’s never far from my side. The other members of the Whitlock family, too, seem to regard me with suspicion and disdain, as if I’m an interloper in their midst. I long to earn their acceptance, to prove myself worthy of their family name. Each day, I strive to be the perfect wife for Carter, tending to his needs with care and devotion. Yet no matter how hard I try, it seems as though I can never quite measure up to their expectations.Even so, a sense of determination always stirs within me. I won’t be cowed by their judgment, nor won’t I allow their harsh words to dim the light of my love for Carter.
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CHAPTER TWO: The Betrayed Wife
CHAPTER 2:The man who says he loves me in the morning is now making love with my best friend.Carter's hands roam over Lillian's naked body, his lips trailing feverish kisses along her neck, while Lillian's laughter echoes in the room like a cruel taunt.My throat constricts. I want to curse, to scream, to lash out at them with every ounce of fury burning inside me. But my voice fails me, lost in a desert of despair.Finally, Carter and Lillian notice my presence, their passion abruptly extinguished like a candle snuffed out by a gust of wind. My tears fall unchecked now, hot and bitter against my cheeks. Carter scrambles to his feet, hastily pulling on his clothes.“Why are you here?” he asks.Lillian remains on the bed, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips, her gaze cold and calculating. She revels in my agony, relishing the destruction she has wrought.“It’s not what you think it is,” Carter says.My heart shatters into a million jagged pieces. I need to get out of here! I c
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CHAPTER THREE: Gaslighting
CHAPTER 3: It all clicks. The late night calls, the flirtings, the unusual caring with Lillian - their chuckles in bed, my parents' coldness, Elmyra's sneers. My mind replays these scenes over and over again, like a broken record.I sit on the edge of the bed of the apartment I rented since last night, the weight of the world keeps pressing down on my shoulders.Just as I’m sinking deeper into the darkness of my thoughts, my phone shatters the silence. I jolt as I wipe away my tears. My hand trembles slightly as I glance at the screen. Then, my jaw clenches in anger when I see the caller ID—Lillian.“Really? You still have the guts to call me?” I hiss.-["Listen, Hazel, it's evident where his heart lies, and frankly, your dramatics won't change that. Just gracefully accept the truth and move on, like any sensible person would."]-Lilian says in her sweet voice, without a hint of remorse or shame.-[“We need to talk, Express Cafe, now.”]-My grip on the phone tightens, my nails diggi
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CHAPTER FOUR: Carter's Threats on the Move
CHAPTER 4: Read your contract - This should be on my tombstone.I dug out my prenup from when papa told me not to worry about anything, that they would protect me and all I had to do was sign it, and so I did. But now, I realize that every conditioning of this prenup is working against me.My parents sold me into marriage, and they’ll be furious with me for getting a divorce. They’ll be bankrupt and vulnerable to attacks without Carter’s protection. “If you want a divorce, you won’t get a penny from me. You will no longer be under my protection. Think twice, Hazel.”Those are Carter's words, which are burned in my memory.I just wanna brush off the agreement and his threat by not thinking too much about them. But then, they start to haunt me, making me understand the realness of it all. Escaping isn’t a possibility, and Carter proves that…The rain pours as I stand on the doorstep of my rented house, the water mingles with the tears I try so hard to hold back.“Your husband's men t
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CHAPTER FIVE: Meeting the Revered Divorce Lawyer
CHAPTER 5:Divorce is never as easy as I thought it would be.-[“I’m calling to inform you that Mr. Thorne has decided to NOT take your case. We can recommend good divorce lawyers if needed….”]- The woman’s tone is cool and reserved over the phone.Confusion clouds my thoughts, and questions race through my mind—why would he turn me away? Is he busy? Or does he find my case not worthy of his time?I quickly rush to the law firm, hoping to personally meet and talk to Marius Throne, but I’m told by his secretary that appointments with Marius Throne are currently lined up for a month from now.So, he’s busy. Even so,... I’m still hoping that he’ll have a change of heart and accept my divorce case if only he can understand my situation. It’s a good case, hard case to be exact - my prenup agreement is harsh and my husband was caught cheating red-handed. This may pique his interest.The bustling lobby seems to shrink in an instant as I, lost in my thoughts, collide with someone in a shar
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CHAPTER SIX: Meeting Carter, Again
Marius Thorne did not say ‘no’ to my case, but he did not say ‘yes’ either.Two days have lapsed and still, there’s no call from him. I consider the possibility that he may just be busy, but if I don’t receive a phone call until tomorrow, I’ll go back to the Counsel Commanders Law Firm myself.I try to be optimistic, but beneath that optimism lies a gnawing fear—what if Marius Thorne can't, or worse, won't help me in the end?I can't bear to contemplate the idea of being turned away, left with no recourse and nowhere to turn to again. I glance at my phone since there’s a message that blinks insistently on the screen. I get excited, assuming it’s from Marius Thorne, but my excitement dwindles greatly when the ID caller flashes Carter’s name.Should I read it? This may only lead to another argument. Yet, deep down, there's still a flicker of hope that maybe this time will be different. I sigh as I click it.-[If you want a divorce, come to Myriad Hall at seven tonight. Wear your best
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CHAPTER SEVEN: A Lawyer's Intent
MARIUS’ POV:I never expected to see such fire in Hazel’s eyes, hidden beneath that soft, desperate plea for help. She’s stronger than I give her credit for, braver than I could have imagined. Hazel’s feign composed facade is completely exposed after unleashing a fierce slap across Carter's face. Soon after, she storms out, leaving behind a stunned, silenced crowd.Carter is frozen in humiliation. He had it coming, treating her with such disrespect and deceit. Maybe this slap will finally knock some sense into him.But, after sensing that Carter won’t make any effort to seek Hazel's explanation or apology, I follow Hazel outside, finding her huddled in the corner of the porch, her body wracking while she’s retching. I approach her cautiously, my handkerchief already in hand."Hazel, you okay?" I call softly.Hazel takes a moment to compose herself before turning to face me, tears streaking down her cheeks, her hand trembling as it covers her mouth. “Thank you,” she murmurs as she ac
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CHAPTER EIGHT: I Don't Need My Husband's Money!
HAZEL’S POV:"May I know first why you want a divorce?"The lawyer’s voice breaks through my reverie, pulling me back to the present. These days I've been wondering what on earth Marius Thorne means. If he is completely unwilling to help me, why did he refer me to this law firm?I hand Mr. Salazar an envelope filled with my prenuptial agreement, marriage certificates, and other contracts I signed as Carter’s wife.“I caught my husband and his mistress - my friend, red-handed," I reply without the tiniest hint of embarrassment.Mr. Salazar’s eyes flick over the papers, his expression thoughtful. "Since Mr. Thorne personally recommended you to me, then I'll be happy to help you. "“Are you positive this is what you really want?” he asks. “Yes,” I say. I’m so tired of people questioning my decisions and underestimating me. “Good. Now I need to ask you a question, and don’t take offense. It’s important you tell us the entire truth so we can plan out our case. We don’t want any surpri
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CHAPTER NINE: Finding a Job
“We’re not looking for a housewife.” Their words are like daggers piercing my already fragile confidence.For days, I’ve been on a fruitless quest, knocking on the doors of countless companies, only to be met with polite refusals, sympathetic smiles and sometimes rude and inappropriate criticisms. Each rejection letter weighs heavily on my heart.I’ve never finished college nor even experienced working for any kind of job, my dreams were put on hold when I fell in love with Carter. He has promised me the world, but instead, he has left me with nothing but shattered illusions and a mountain of regrets. Speaking of Carter, some of the companies I’ve applied to know him. The interviewers whispered among themselves, their eyes darting nervously, and sometimes mockingly, in my direction, as if I’m some kind of pariah tainted by association.Now, as I face the harsh reality of my situation, I can't help but curse myself for ever believing in him.***********Express Cafe is my last shot.
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Despite the inappropriate advancement of the manager, I accepted the job. I’m desperate to end the cycle of rejection and despair, to get my chance of independence and to prove that I’m more than just a housewife.Little do I know, however, that my journey will soon take a dark turn.The Express Cafe bustles with the morning rush. I’ve landed a job as a barista. As I steam milk and pull espresso shots, I find myself the target of unwanted advances from both the manager, and the owner. When no one is looking, they’d brush their c.rotch area against my b.utt, their fingers touching my exposed legs, sending a shiver of disgust through my bones.I feel trapped in another nightmare that’s not easy to escape. And it doesn't end there. The manager, sensing my subtle defiance on his advances, would take revenge by humiliating me in front of my colleagues. He would nitpick every move I’m making, correcting me with a sneer even when there’s nothing to correct.My anger simmers beneath the sur
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