
CHAPTER FOUR: Carter's Threats on the Move


Read your contract - This should be on my tombstone.

I dug out my prenup from when papa told me not to worry about anything, that they would protect me and all I had to do was sign it, and so I did. But now, I realize that every conditioning of this prenup is working against me.

My parents sold me into marriage, and they’ll be furious with me for getting a divorce. They’ll be bankrupt and vulnerable to attacks without Carter’s protection. 

“If you want a divorce, you won’t get a penny from me. You will no longer be under my protection. Think twice, Hazel.”

Those are Carter's words, which are burned in my memory.

I just wanna brush off the agreement and his threat by not thinking too much about them. But then, they start to haunt me, making me understand the realness of it all. 

Escaping isn’t a possibility, and Carter proves that…

The rain pours as I stand on the doorstep of my rented house, the water mingles with the tears I try so hard to hold back.

“Your husband's men took your car. I was about to tell you while they’re here so you can talk to them about it, but they’re so aggressive and I got scared that they may hurt me,” my landlord says.

A rush of anger and helplessness courses through me as I stare at the empty space of the parking lot where I last left my car.

As if that’s not enough for Carter, he adds another unwanted surprise for me.

“Also,” the landlord begins, pity and fear etched across her wrinkled face. "Your husband called through the cellphone of one of his men. He threatened me, said he'd ruin my business if I don't evict you. So.., I can't keep the house rented to you anymore.”

The world seems to tilt, the ground shifting beneath my feet. "B-but, I have nowhere to go. Besides, I need time to find a new place."

The landlord shakes her head, her face stern. "I can't risk it. The young Whitlock has too much influence. I can't afford to be caught in whatever marital problem you have."

I wanna protest again, but she’s right. Carter may put her in a difficult situation like he’s doing to me now, and I don’t wanna be the reason for it.

With a heavy heart, I pack my things, and drag myself and my suitcase out into the storm. I then head to the nearest hotel.

Without cash, I rely on my credit cards. The clerk at the front desk shakes his head as he hands back my credit card to me. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Whitlock. Your card has been declined."

My cheeks burn with shame. "Can you try again, please?"

The clerk tries again,... and beep! Declined, again!

Maybe this hotel’s POS machine isn’t working - at least that’s what I wanna believe in, though deep down, my inkling is telling me something else.

I walk to another hotel, and approach the front desk, my hands shaking as I present my credit card.

"I need a room, please," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

To my surprise, without even taking my credit card, the clerk shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Whitlock. We can't help you."

“Why?” I ask with a little frustration.

The manager, who looks uncomfortable, comes to the clerk’s rescue, and answers, “Mr. Carter Whitlock has banned you from our hotel." 

You’ve got to be kidding me? Where would I go now? 

There’s no refuge for me now. Carter’s reach is far and his influence powerful, making sure I’m isolated, vulnerable. He’s trying to force me back, cutting me off financially, stripping away my options. 

Soon I will be in debt and poor, which isn’t good, especially that I’m now going to be a mother.

I have to find a way out of this, and the only temporary solution I can think of is to pawn my pearls and earrings for some cash. 

I quickly head to a pawnshop, and its owner eyes me as I lay my jewelry on the counter.

"I need to sell these," I say.

He picks up the pearls, turning them over in his hands, his eyes narrowing as he glances at my suitcase. "You left home?”

“Y-yes, and it’s hard to find a place to stay. My credit cards have been declining, so I need cash.”

The owner smirks as he says, “Nice pieces, but I can't give you much for them. Market's down, you see."

My heart sinks. I know he’s lying, taking advantage of my desperation. But what choice do I have - haggling? Then what? Get another rejection? I don’t wanna deal with that.

"How much?" I ask, bracing myself.

He names a figure that’s insultingly low, but I nod, swallowing my pride and the bitter taste of defeat. "I'll take it."

At least I have money that'll last for a few days if I spend it wisely. That’s what matters for now.

He counts out the bills with deliberate slowness while his eyes on me, a predator sensing vulnerability. When he finally hands over the money, I grab it. But I have to stay in the lobby for a moment, waiting for the rain to stop.

Suddenly, my eyes flicker on the TV that’s currently showing a flash news with a caption; ‘The Divorce of the Century’. The wife, once vilified by the town, now stood vindicated by Marius Thorne, the town's most revered lawyer. 

“Marius Thorne,” I echo.

Marius Thorne’s image flashes on the screen, a vision of confidence and success. His gold eyes, piercing, enchanting even. 

According to the news, he's a partner at the biggest law firm in town and he never loses in court.

“He may be who I need,” I murmur to myself, excitement surging within me. 

Once the rain stops, I begin searching for a new place to stay.

With newfound determination and what little cash I have, I find refuge in a cramped flat that doesn't check documents.

The landlord, a cold and distant old lady, lays down the rules; no pets allowed, no men allowed, before disappearing from my sight.

In this tiny room, my troubled heart finally quiets down. For now, I’m safe, hidden from Carter's relentless pursuit.

Through G****e, I search the name ‘Marius Thorne’, and quickly call the numbers on the law firm profile he’s working with. After a few rings, a female voice echoes from the other end of the line.

-[“Counsel Commanders Law Firm, how can we help you?”]-

“Hi! I’m filing for divorce and I need to make an appointment with Marius Thorne, is he available to speak with?”

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