
I Want A Divorce, Mr. Billionaire!
I Want A Divorce, Mr. Billionaire!
Author: Madel McDonough



Our three-year marriage is facing many challenges, and growing up as an orphan, who am I to expect anything better? 

My husband, Carter Whitlock, is everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Strong, kind, and fiercely devoted, he’s swept me off my feet from the moment we first met. In his arms, I’ve found solace and belonging. 

My mother-in-law, Elmyra, always has a disapproving gaze that’s never far from my side. The other members of the Whitlock family, too, seem to regard me with suspicion and disdain, as if I’m an interloper in their midst. 

I long to earn their acceptance, to prove myself worthy of their family name. Each day, I strive to be the perfect wife for Carter, tending to his needs with care and devotion. Yet no matter how hard I try, it seems as though I can never quite measure up to their expectations.

Even so, a sense of determination always stirs within me. I won’t be cowed by their judgment, nor won’t I allow their harsh words to dim the light of my love for Carter. 

I'll be strong and unwavering in my resolve, and I’ll make my husband proud.


 CHAPTER  1:  


I have an unbelievable secret that I can’t wait to tell my husband. 

With our three year anniversary coming up, it’s about time we make our family complete. I hear the rumors being spread about me by his relatives; the whisper that I’m barren. 

I look down at the little pink plus sign on the test and I smile. It’s all going to change now. Carter will be so happy when I tell him.

When I first met Carter at college, I had just stepped out of the campus coffee shop and a cyclist almost ran me over. Carter stepped in and grabbed me out of harm’s way. I instantly felt butterflies in my stomach.

He has been my hero from the very beginning. He is the city's most famous bachelor. and an incredibly rich man. I never thought he would be interested in someone like me. I had nothing to give him. Because of that, I have always felt inferior to him in our marriage. 

Not everyone approved of the marriage from the beginning. The house staff is respectful, but I think it’s only because I am the mistress. Not because they think I deserve it. I see the judgment in their eyes when they look at me. 

Both my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law are constantly making comments about my appearance. They love to remind me that I represent the formidable Whitlock family. As if my looks and the way I dress will forever stain their family’s image. 

I wasn’t even allowed to make any decisions on my own wedding. I tried to pick out the flowers and I was told my taste was ‘too simple’ for a wedding to the most nobel family. I have also been told on several occasions that I should be ‘seen and not heard’ during family meetings. Nobody trusts my opinion, let alone asks for it. 

Carter’s mother, Elmyra, has always been distant and indifferent to me. She treats me like an outcast and every time she approaches me I get nervous. Her hair is always perfectly done up; her makeup and clothes flawless. She is an intimidating woman and she often makes me feel small. 

She knows exactly what to say to cut deeply too. 

“I suppose you are happy riding my son’s coat tails the rest of your life? What purpose do you serve if you can’t give him an heir?”

“It’s probably for the best, dear. As an orphan, you wouldn’t know the first thing about being a mother anyway.” 

“I don’t know what my son was thinking when he decided to marry you. You aren’t strong enough to be the lady of this family.”

But I know I can rely on Carter to protect me from her harsh words and actions when he’s around. He even defends me against his mother when she is hard on me. 

“I know you want to be a grandmother mom, but Hazel and I are happy. We will have a child when we are ready.” Then he turns to me and kisses me on the forehead.

I don’t know why Elmyra hates me so much. It makes me feel bad about myself, like I will never be good enough for her son. But, from now on, everything is going to change.

Even Elmyra will have to start treating me better once she hears the news. I have a husband who adores me, a beautiful home and now, after years of trying, a new addition on the way to make our family complete. 

Me, an orphan, finally getting a real family to call her own. 

Just then Carter walks out of the bedroom looking as handsome as ever with his dark blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and chiseled jaw.  

“Morning, babe. What’s for breakfast?” Carter asks as he strolls into the kitchen. 

He kisses me on the cheek and lightly squeezes my butt as he walks past me to get his coffee. 

“Eggs and bacon,” I reply with a giggle. 

We eat our breakfast in companionable silence. I cherish every moment alone with my husband. I don’t care what his mother or his other relatives think. I just want his approval. The one person who has truly loved me and been there for me in my life. 

While I’m standing at the sink washing dishes, I feel a presence behind me suddenly. Something cold and heavy is placed on my chest. I look down at the most beautiful diamond necklace I’ve ever seen. It has a big cushion cut stone in the center and smaller stones wrapping up the sides of the necklace. 

“Carter! What is this for?” I ask breathlessly.

“For being so beautiful,” he replies. 

He leads me over to a mirror on the wall and I gasp in surprise. 

“It’s stunning,” I say in awe. 

“Tonight I’d like you to wear it to dinner with that short black dress I like. And, when we get back I’d like you to wear only this,” he says suggestively. 

“Yes, sir,” I say softly.

I tip my head back to allow him access to my lips. He kisses me deeply and caresses my body and I lean into him. 

“I wish I could stay in bed all day with you, but this meeting is important,” he groans and steps back. 

“I will be waiting for you,” I say with a coy look. 

“What would I do without you? You are the love of my life,” he replies. 

He gives me another quick kiss and then he’s headed towards the door. I sigh happily, thinking about how much I’m going to miss him today. We had already planned on going out to dinner, but now it's going to be special. I will tell him I’m pregnant tonight and surprise him.

Out of the blue, my phone rings. I see that it’s my best friend, Lillian. 

I’ve been so focused on being the perfect wife for Carter that I’ve lost touch with many of my friends. 

But Lilian is different. She knows everything about Carter and me. She knows how my mother-in-law and the other family members treat me. She has always been there for me. She knows what to say to make me feel better about anything. 

-[“Hi, Hazel. How are you?”]-  she asks. 

“I’m doing ok,” I say. 

-[“Your voice doesn’t sound ok. Spill it.”]-

“It’s nothing, just had a visit from Elmyra.” 

-[“You really shouldn’t put up with her crap, Hazel. Talk to Carter about it, maybe he can get her to lay off.”]-

“I appreciate that but I think that will just make me look weak to her. She’s a complicated woman,” I say. 

-[“She’s a shrew,”]- 

Lillian’s sarcasm makes me laugh. 

“Speaking of which, I have to get ready for this afternoon tea so she doesn’t have my head. Talk later?” I ask.

-[“So you’ll be gone all afternoon?”]-

“Yes, unfortunately. These ladies love to drone on about family traditions,” I reply and then add, “Why, do you need something?”

-[“No, I’m ok. I was going to ask you to lunch but another time. I’m always here for you Hazel so if it gets too much give me a call.”]-

“Thank you. You are such a great friend,” I reply warmly. 

I hang up with Lillian and feel a pang of regret. I’m going to make it a priority to dedicate more time to our friendship. 

My day is over quickly. The tea goes very well and I decide to head home early. Usually, I’d follow the women back to Elmyra's house for dinner. I always want to be part of them. But this time, I’m very tired. 

I walk into our apartment and set my bag on the counter. I hum to myself, excited about seeing Carter soon. I start to walk into the kitchen when I hear a noise. It sounds like a groan. I stop what I’m doing instantly. 

Fear creeps up my spine. I make my way back towards the sound and I hear it again. Then I hear a bang noise and I almost jump out of my skin. 

My heart is pounding and my legs feel shaky. Something is wrong. I know it in my gut. 

I start to push the door open slowly and it makes a small creaking sound. What I see makes me gasp. 

A woman is grinding on top of Carter and he’s moaning. He grabs her hips and looks up at her adoringly. I feel like someone has just ripped my heart out.

My breathing becomes erratic. I start to panic. My knees feel like jello. I clutch the door frame for support. 

How could he do this to me?! This man who said I was the love of his life just this morning! This man who gave me a beautiful necklace and told me he hated leaving me!

Just then, the woman turns to me with an evil grin. Like she’s enjoying making me watch in horror. 

I can’t believe my own eyes. I draw shaky breaths as tears fall down my face. 

My heart pounds mercilessly in my chest as I lock eyes with Carter—the man I’ve once loved, now a mere stranger before me.

Everything I thought I knew about my husband. About my life. Destroyed in an instant.

The sight before me shocks me to my core. 

Lillian and Carter.

In our bed.

Making love. 

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