My Unrequited Love For My Guardian

My Unrequited Love For My Guardian

By:  Cherry  Updated just now
Language: English
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Harper is trapped in unrequited love. Orphaned, she finds refuge with Mr. Cooper and his children, Atlas and Amanda. However, as Harper's affection for Atlas grows, he only sees her as a sister. Mr. Cooper's passing leaves her under Atlas's reluctant care. Now, she must confront the painful reality of longing for what she cannot have. To complicate things, Atlas's girlfriend moves in with him in the same house as Harper—additionally, a mysterious professor of Harper, whose closeness to Harper might not sit well with Atlas. Will Harper find the strength to let go, or will she cling to a love that may never be returned?

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12 Chapters
Nine More Months With Him
Harper Miller I was just ten years old when I watched as my parents' coffins were solemnly lifted, their faces hidden from view forever. Their lives ended abruptly in a plane crash while en route to a meeting. Meanwhile, I found myself in the care of Mr. Benjamin Cooper, a close friend of my father's from childhood. Initially intended as a short stay, my time with Mr. Cooper stretched into several years as he became my legal guardian following my parents' tragic passing. In my youthful naivety, I clung to the hope that my parents might one day return, but as the years passed, reality sank in. I slowly came to terms with being the lone survivor of the Miller family. I was never formally adopted by Mr. Cooper, though the reasons remain a mystery to me. Nevertheless, his love for me was unwavering. He was a kind-hearted man, much like my own parents. A successful businessman, his days were often consumed by work, but he always made time for us – for me, Amanda, and Atlas. Atlas, the e
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Here Comes The Girlfriend
“He has a girlfriend,” I whispered to Jess, my dearest companion, as I absentmindedly twirled a strand of hair around my finger, my gaze fixed on the ceiling above. She's the only friend I've truly connected with. Making friends has never been easy for me, but with Jess, it was instantaneous. Our bond, forged over four years, has made us inseparable. Usually, she's the one who visits me at Atlas's place, but today I find myself at her house, unable to bear the idea of staying home while Atlas's girlfriend moves in today.Jess let out a weary sigh, her eyes briefly leaving the pages of her book to meet mine. "You've been repeating that for a fortnight now, Harper," she remarked, her tone tinged with gentle exasperation, before diving back into her literary world.She's correct. I've been avoiding the truth for the past two weeks. I've attempted to steel myself for the moment I catch sight of Atlas with her, yet I've been unable to confront it. Today marks the culmination of my dread –
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Meeting The New Housemate
I’m not entirely sure how I ended up in the same bed as Patrick. Neither of us intended for it to happen, but we were both in need of affection, and the drinks we had earlier certainly played a part in our decision. I’m still uncertain if I’m happy about what transpired between us, but at that moment, it felt right.I shuddered as his fingertips caressed the exposed skin of my back, tracing a tantalizing path from the base of my neck down to the small of my back. With eyes closed and teeth gently biting my lower lip, I lay prone, my hands gripping the crisp white sheets beneath me.His touch wandered further, his palm grazing my bare bottom before settling on my thigh, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from me. As his hand inched closer to my most intimate parts – still aching, dripping, and sensitive – anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the remnants of our earlier passion.Leaning in close, his voice husky with desire, he murmured, "One more time?" With a weak smile,
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Midnight Thirst
Atlas was unusually talkative tonight. I had never seen him so animated and full of energy. It almost seemed like he was making an effort for Eva and me to get along, though let's be real, there wasn't much about her I didn't like aside from the fact that she now shared a home with the man I love so desperately. Eva appeared genuinely pleasant, and that annoyed me. I wanted so badly to find fault with her, but she gave me no reason to.When I first descended the stairs, she greeted me with a soft smile. Even when I apologized for missing her moving-in yesterday, she brushed it off with a wave of her hand and a chuckle, "No worries at all. I understand life gets busy, and besides, I wouldn't expect anyone to drop everything for me. We all have our lives, so don't fret. It's a pleasure to meet you," she said graciously.Seeing the proud and affectionate look on Atlas's face whenever he looked at her only fueled my resentment. Inside, I seethed at the sight of them together. My heart bur
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Meeting Dr. Lawson
The Impact of Childhood Adversities on Criminal Behavior. I wrote this title at the top of my register, underlining it twice for emphasis. This was the topic I had chosen for my final semester capstone research. It felt both daunting and exhilarating to take on such a significant subject. I tapped my pen against the notepad, contemplating the weight of the words I had just written. This would not be an easy journey, but the importance of the research propelled me forward.As I mulled over the title, Jess, who was sitting beside me, glanced at the notepad and smiled. “That topic sounds very interesting,” she remarked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. “Do you have any supervisor in mind? There are only a few professors who specialize in forensic psychology, and you’ll need someone with the right expertise to guide you.”Her question lingered in the air as I considered my options. The university’s forensic psychology department was indeed small, and the competition for supervisors was f
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A Long Night
I had a lot to work on. Even though I had a clear idea of what my research would entail, detailing a research proposal was a tough task to complete in a night, and it took me all night. As soon as I returned home, I showered, changed into my cotton shirt and plain pink shorts, tied my hair up in a messy high bun, and got to work.In my room, I have a writing table where I spend hours working on my projects. I sat there, typing away to create a decent research proposal. When my back started to ache, I moved to my bed and continued working from there. I wrote and rewrote countless times, determined not to present Dr. Lawson with a sloppy proposal. He is a perfectionist, and I didn’t want to disappoint him. This was my last chance, and I was giving it my all.Throughout the night, I didn't eat. The house helper came to my room asking if I would be eating soon, but I told her no and asked her to go home. I was capable of heating my own food if needed. While the house helper checked on me,
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Lunch With Dr. Lawson
The next morning, I dragged myself to class feeling utterly worn out and famished. Sleep had been elusive, my mind consumed by perfecting my proposal. I had been so excited about my ideas, but as I pored over them again and again, flaws emerged like cracks in a fragile facade. I was too tired to fix them properly.The idea of facing Dr. Lawson after class made my stomach churn with nerves. What if he didn't like my proposal? The thought of having to redo everything under Dr. Thompson's critical eye made me shudder. Dr. Lawson was the one I wanted to impress, the one who could truly understand and support my research.My stomach growled loudly, a painful reminder of my neglected hunger. I hadn't eaten since who knows when. With my first class not until ten, I had managed to snatch a few hours of sleep before waking up to the presence of Atlas and Eva in the house. I stayed hidden in my room, unable to bear the sight of their affectionate moments. Each glimpse felt like a knife to the h
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A Foolish Move
I fidgeted with the pen in my hand, unable to contain my curiosity. "How did you meet Aaron Torres's brother?" I inquired, my eyes fixed on Dr. Lawson, who was engrossed in reading my revised proposal.He hummed in response, flipping through the pages as he spoke. "I was part of the team of therapists assigned to help him," he replied, his focus still on the document.Intrigued, I squinted my eyes. "And? What else did you learn about him?" I pressed eagerly.Dr. Lawson lifted his gaze and chuckled softly. "Are you truly that interested to know?" he teased, his eyes meeting mine.Without hesitation, I nodded enthusiastically, a wide smile spreading across my face. My excitement was palpable, evident in the sparkle of my widened eyes.Dr. Lawson's smile softened as he placed the proposal on his desk. "I can't disclose more information about him," he stated, causing my shoulders to slump in disappointment. I had been so excited, only to have my hopes dashed. I twisted my mouth in frustra
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Confession In The Quiet Night
As Atlas mentioned, Eva did leave on Friday, and her absence somehow made me feel free. Since she moved in, I haven't left my room without a reason. I used to enjoy strolling through the garden behind the house, but since she arrived, I've mostly stayed locked in my room. Today, Atlas came home early because he had to drop her off at the airport. He asked if I wanted to join them, but I politely declined. I wasn't going to waste my time dropping her off when I could savor every second of my newfound freedom. Besides, I would have been intruding on their moment. It's bad enough that I live with them. I'm sure Eva didn't want me to go either. She didn't ask me to join them—only Atlas did.I know I’m painting her as the villain in my story, even though she hasn’t done anything to deserve it. She has been nothing but civil to me. It’s me who ignores her. I can’t stand her because she has what I’ve always wanted: Atlas. Knowing that I never stood a chance hurts, and maybe that’s why I harb
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Rain And An Injury
I don’t know why I decided to share such an intimate part of my life with Atlas. We have never been close enough to talk about our personal lives and relationships. I never believed Atlas saw me as someone he could confide in, but tonight, for the first time, he opened up about something happening in his life. I felt compelled to share my part as well, but this was not something I should have disclosed. I hadn’t even told Jess, mostly because Patrick is her brother. I had planned to keep this information to myself, and I should have kept it that way. As soon as the words escaped my mouth, I panicked.“Umm, I mean... I... uh,” I stammered, closing my eyes tightly in embarrassment. I exhaled and shook my head, opening my eyes with a chuckle of shame. “You know what? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you that. I didn’t mean to share that piece of news with anyone, and I just... I don’t know. I guess I have trouble keeping my thoughts to myself,” I continued, nervously ranting. I opened my
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