


I followed elder Zachary out of the packhouse, a small duffel with just a few clothes and essentials in my hand. My heart felt heavier with each step I took and I had the sudden urge to run back to my room. It’s not too late yet! I can just close my door and wait for Ryan. We can talk and solve our issues and everything will go back to how it was. Startled at the selfish thought that flashed in my mind, I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I had already made the decision to give up Ryan for the better of the pack. I had to do it even if it killed me…

I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms, and the pain helped me stay level-headed. As we walked farther into the north wing, away from the servant quarters, I wondered why we hadn't even encountered a single maid till now. This entire thing was going a little too smooth for my liking and my instincts were screaming at me that something was wrong. That it couldn't be this easy. I looked around uneasily, my eyes scanning the surroundings to see if something was amiss. Sensing nothing suspicious, I shook my head. I was being paranoid…

As we reached the back door that led to the forest behind the packhouse, I turned to the elder. 

“Here, I have something for you,” he said, stretching his hand towards me and I saw a small bottle in his hands. Cautiously, I reached over and took it from his hand, while giving him a questioning look.

“This is a medicinal spray that will help hide your scent for a few hours. Once the Alpha finds you are gone, he will certainly try to track you. Use this as soon as you leave the pack house to get away without him finding you.”

I looked at the bottle with a conflicted look before nodding at the elder. 

“Thank you for your help, elder Zachary,” I said before pausing. Taking a deep breath, I continued. “I hope everything will turn better for the pack like you wish once Ryan accepts his fated mate,” I said, careful to show no emotions, even when my heart was shattering to pieces. 

Elder Zachary nodded at me in response. 

“I wish you too will find your fated mate and have a happy life with him. Goodbye, Evelyn.”

He had called me by my name. Not Luna. I guess I was no longer the Luna…

Turning away from the elder, I opened the door, which opened with a creak that echoed in the eerily silent hallways. I froze for a moment, expecting Ryan to barge in at any moment and catch me in the act. When moments passed and nothing happened, I relaxed, ignoring the twinge of disappointment that flashed in my mind. I guess a part of me wanted to be caught and stopped…

As I walked away from the packhouse and entered the forest, I couldn’t help but turn and watch the packhouse for a moment. I took in the building where I had built a home with Ryan. Had the times been better, this was where I would have started a family with him. My mind flashed back to the baby I had once lost and my hand went to my stomach. I guess it was never meant to be…

With a sigh, I took the bottle the elder gave, opened it, and sprayed it all over me without hesitation. It was really time to tell farewell to the only home I had ever known.

As I walked deeper into the forest, careful to keep my steps light, I thought of my wolf Ima. It has been a while since I talked to her. I hadn't noticed it in my rush to leave, but now that I was alone, I wondered why she had stayed silent when I decided to leave. Was she angry at me? 

Bracing for her outburst, I tentatively reached her through the mind link.


For a moment, I didn’t get any answer, but then her calm voice greeted me.

‘I am here, Evie.’

‘I am sorry…’ I said guiltily.

‘For what?’

‘I didn’t even ask your opinion while taking the impulsive decision to leave the pack after seeing Ryan with Freya. The decision affected you just as much as it did me, but I didn't even remember you. I am a selfish bitch, aren't I?’

‘Hey, hey. I am not so stupid to blame you when I know how much you are hurting. I knew it wasn’t just an impulsive decision. You did it because you wanted to make Ryan stronger with his mate.’ Ima let out a sigh before continuing. ‘I had stayed silent because I knew you were making a hard decision and I didn’t want to bother you in such a tough time. Even if I don't agree with sacrificing your happiness for those who don't even value you, I am still proud of you, Evie. I will never blame you.’

‘How did I get so lucky to have you as my wolf, Ima? You are not just my best friend, but a second mother to me. You didn’t even blame me when I chose Ryan as my mate instead of waiting for our fated mate. And now I left the pack to become a rogue and you still support me…’

‘I know you better than you yourself do, Evie. When you chose Ryan, I had felt how much you love him and I knew your bond was no less than that of a mate bond. As you know, I got along well with his wolf, Liam too. Ryan made you happy, and how could I ever object to your happiness?’ I felt a touch in my mind that felt like a caress. ‘I know the pain in your heart at the thought of losing Ryan. I promise we will get through this. I will always be here for you, Evie.’

‘Thank you, Ima. I don't know what else to say,’ I said, and she didn't reply, but I could still feel her presence with me. Suddenly, I felt her wariness before she spoke.

‘Why haven't we encountered even a single patrolling warrior till now? You were careful, but even then, this feels a little too easy.’

I couldn’t help but agree with her. Something felt wrong. Was they really slacking off, leaving our pack vulnerable? I couldn’t help but worry about the safety of the pack even though I was no longer their Luna. If it is this easy for me to walk away, won't it be that easy for rogues and enemies to wander in? How strange! I shook my head, trying to dismiss the thought. 

‘We have to trust Ryan to keep the pack safe.’ I said and I could feel Ima accepting my words.

Before I knew it, I was close to the pack border, and I paused for a moment. My only thought until now was escaping the pack undetected. I hadn’t thought of what I would do once I accomplished that. Now that I was about to cross the border, I had to decide my future plans. Once I cross the border, I will have to cut the bond with the pack and I will be a rogue. What exactly am I going to do to face the world as a lonely rogue woman?

I was pondering whether I should continue walking or if it would be easier to shift into my wolf form when I heard a creak behind me. I froze, expecting to see a patrolling warrior wolf behind me. I had come all this way without encountering anyone. Just when I was about to cross the border, I had to get caught. But I was just a few steps away from the border. Maybe I can make a run for it and once I have crossed the border, they may not dare to chase me away. But right then, another thought crossed my mind. If it was a patrolling wolf, why hasn't he called me out yet? Right then, my instincts screamed at me that I was in danger and the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I felt hostile energy surrounding me. 

Slowly, I turned around and gulped nervously as my eyes scanned the surroundings. And my eyes widened in horror when a group of men leaped down from the trees surrounding me, all of them wearing black costumes and masks. ‘Assassins!’ The word flashed in my mind even before I made a conscious thought, and I knew that my life was in danger. I could feel their killing intent and I knew that I hadn’t just stumbled into their path at the wrong time. They were here for me.

I turned, planning to run to the border, but when three more men stalked towards me from behind, I threw that idea away. 

My eyes scanned them left and right, looking for an opportunity and seeing a gap, I rushed towards my left without any idea where I was going. Though my first instinct was to fight them, I knew that fighting against seven trained assassins that would stop at nothing, but my death would be in vain. My only chance to survive was to outrun them until I was safe.

I ran through the forest, leaping over fallen logs of wood and agilely avoiding trees in the path. My heart thundered in my chest as I ran for my life, adrenaline coursing through my veins and making me run faster than I had ever done in my life. I could hear them shouting at me to stop, but I paid them no heed and continued to run, my determination to survive fueling my energy. But my eyes widened in panic and I stumbled to a halt when I saw that I was in front of a dead end. In my panic, I had run straight towards the cliff on the northern edge of the forest. Shit!

I turned back, preparing to run in another direction, only to see that the men had caught up to me and were closing in on me. I stumbled backwards, my eyes scanning the men as I panted heavily. I could see the triumph in their eyes and realized that I had fallen straight into their trap. They had wanted me to come to this cliff, and I had done exactly that. 

As one of the men who appeared to be their leader stepped forward, I instinctively took another step back, only to stumble when I realised that I had reached the very edge of the cliff. 

I looked up as the man walked closer to me at a leisurely pace, and I straightened up. Well, I was a Luna who had managed this pack for years. I won't ever give them the satisfaction of seeing me cowering in fear!

“Why are you trying to kill me? Who sent you?” I asked the guy and saw his eyes widen in surprise at my sudden change in demeanor. 

“You are not in a position to ask questions, dear Luna. Someone wants you dead. So now you should be a good girl and die in our hands,” he replied, letting out a chuckle as if he had uttered a joke and his companions joined in. 

My eyes narrowed, and I was about to talk again, trying to negotiate with him, when my gaze fell on a tattoo on his wrist. It looked vaguely familiar, but before I could recognise it, the ground under my feet cracked. I looked up with wide eyes and saw the men staring at me with equally surprised gazes. Before I could even try to move, the sand under my feet slipped away and then I was falling…

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