


“Mariah has gone missing, Carmen.”

It sounded more like a joke than anything else, and I knew for a fact that Terri would never joke about something like that, so it was obviously true.

“What do you mean, Mariah has gone missing? She was just in surgery. Shouldn’t she be at the hospital by now, recovering, if she hasn’t been discharged yet?!” My voice rose in pitch as I dropped my bags and walked out of the house.

“That’s the thing. She…she was in the hospital one moment, and just minutes later, she was no longer in the hospital,” she explained. “It all happened so fast, and I still can’t bring myself to comprehend it.”

“When did this happen?” I asked, frustration working me up as I found it hard to even see a taxi to get into.

“Just two days ago. Jasper has been unable to sit still since then. He and his father have shut down the hospital, and I can’t help but think it’s my fault for not being there for her,” she cried out.

“No, don’t say that.” I shook my head. I knew just ho
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