
chapter 50

"That will be enough " barked Mr . Knight " Leave Renee alone , its not her fault " 

I winced when Jacob charged at his father with a menacing growl , his father not so caring words had snapped whatever composure Jacob was hanging on to , he sneered at his father " Wow , so you finally found your balls to look me in the eye and own up to your shit ? But you know what daddy dearest ? You are nineteen years late!" he shoved his father pointing his finger at him " It will be enough when I say its enough !" Then he turned to Renee who was helping Mr .Knight to straighten up and gave her one of his crooked maniacal smile as he hooked his finger at her " Come here sweetheart , don't be scared of me . I assure you that whatever my father gave you , I can also give you that . Don't worry , come here to me , I promise I won't bite unless you want me to " 

Renee blanched as she cowered behind Mr. Knight and honest

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