

Madeleine sat over the bed, her back resting in between the two corners of the room as she held her knees close to her chest.

Her tortured mind kept reeling back to those hazy moments, reminiscing that stabbing pain as that alien monster forced his way into her, the way he held her as he invaded her body and that last, unbelievably intense and overwhelming sensation...

Help me...

Those words kept repeating themselves into her mind, making her fret as she incessantly wondered why did he whisper those words to her.

Help him with what?

How could she?

She was the one trapped, locked into that stupid room for torture, not the other way around!

Her gaze narrowed as she looked at the mirror wall, a wave of anger surging within her.

She had to do something. She had to escape somehow. She could not let these monsters torture her and drive her any more insane.

She was going to fight. No matter what.

She had to at least try. She owed it to herself.

And Tate.

Another stray tear fell from the corner of her eye as she angrily stared at her reflection in the mirror wall, making it seem like she could see right through the tinted glass and to the faces of her tormentors.

"Are you sure she's not impregnated yet?" Neylani shifted her gaze from the glass and towards her co-worker.

"Positive," Sasha answered, keeping his eyes locked onto the screen in his hand.

"Here we go again," She blew out a sigh as she watched the BloodHound pass them on his way to their newest subject's room.

Madeleine's large blue eyes widened as the glass door slid open, once again revealing the BloodHound.

She immediately raised herself into a standing position, her heart pounding as her scared mind quickly switched to attack mode.

She was going to fight like she promised, even if she was absolutely terrified.

The BloodHound's movements were slow and deliberate, like a predator cornering its prey his galaxy eyes analyzing her every move.

"S-stay back or I will fight you!" She warned, struggling to level the tremble in her voice as she warily stared at his large and intimidating figure.

And as expected, he paid no heed to her words as he only kept on approaching until he was close enough... Yet before he could even reach her she gathered all her courage and threw a punch, unfortunately with no success as the alien monster didn't even blink, let alone move.

It literally felt like punching a leather-covered brick wall.

Still, that didn't stop her as she went as far as trying for a few more times, only resulting in her own injuring as her knuckles hurt so bad that she couldn't help but let those small tears gathered at the corners of her eyes finally fall.

She started to whimper and cry as she already knew what was going to happen all over again.

"No...please don't do this..." She weakly pleaded, quickly giving up the fight as she didn't even bother to struggle once his hand curled around her upper arm, coaxing her to step closer and fall to her knees.

"Please," She begged one last time as her teary gaze rose to meet his, letting out a hearthy sob as he kneeled over the bed right in front of her, his violet eyes peering right back into her own, so cold and unfeeling whilst his arm wrapped around her waist like a boa constricting its prey, allowing her to feel his inhuman body heat and the hard ridges of his naked body.

She whimpered in fright, feeling a shiver run up her spine as he leaned closer, his nose almost touching her neck.

" this..." His slow whisper tickled the shell of her ear, his plea sounding rather like a desperate cry, her brows furrowing for the briefest moment... Right before his elongated fang pierced into her skin again, making her scream out in pain.

The world around her fastly became so blurry, her eyes still peering right back into those galaxy ones as her back hit the mattress, unable to properly react or even think.

However, he hesitated for a moment as he looked at her vulnerable form, for the first time in his life finding himself completely and uncharacteristically overwhelmed by an unidentified feeling... Until his senses immediately reminded him of the pairs of eyes still watching from behind that glass.

And with two harsh and swift movements he removed those two pieces of fabric covering her body, being quick to rid himself of the only garnment covering his as well before he took ahold of her legs and wrapped them around his waist, obstructing from view as much as he could as he started pushing himself against her, avoiding penetration since it was no longer necesary. He did break her protective membrane last time, but solely to leave traces of the engaging act.

He didn't need to torture her for a second time.

His member however didn't take long before going rock hard as it aggressively rubbed against her wet and warm folds, hearing her every small sigh and moan.

Even if his mind didn't enjoy, his body seemed to do as it reacted so promptly, whenever he was this close to her.

Must be her illyrian DNA calling out to his.

His member twitched after another, louder moan, a bead of seminal liquid trailing down its angrily red and swollen tip as it demanded sweet release into the warmth of her velvety walls.

A strained grunt tore through his throat as he held himself back with all his strength, mindful of the pairs of eyes still watching them as he tried to make the act seem as genuine as possible.

Her soft folds became even wetter as his thick and veiny member kept flicking over that certain bundle of nerves, seemingly inviting it to sink itself in between them as they stretched out just a little bit, creating a little opening and just making his job even harder, to the point where he could barely reign himself in as her slick liquid coated the entire length of his shaft, the vibration of her pleased sounds bouncing off the sterile walls implanting themselves into his mind like a catchy song into a human’s brain, over and over again until she climaxed with a scream, drenching his member in her seminal liquid.

Another strained grunt broke into his throat as this time, he couldn’t hold it back anymore so he shoved his tortured member underneath her, right in between her soaking wet buttcheeks as he finally unloaded himself, thick spurts of his own liquid coating her skin and the sheets as well, mixing with hers.

His thin lips mildly parted, allowing an unsteady exhale as his galaxy eyes peered into those half-closed sky blue ones, one last time before he hastily rose from the bed and walked away, his emotionless features masking a ferocious war raging on inside his overdrived mind.

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