

"Come with me,"

She hesitated as she stared at the intimidating creature before her, letting out another frightened scream as the lights suddenly turned red, a loud alarm blaring through the building.

Knowing what that meant, the BloodHound immediately let go of the gentle and calm pleading and shot forward to just grab her instead, earning himself another scream as he threw her over his shoulder and started moving as fast as he could.

There was such little time.

The frail little human being kept struggling and crying over his back as he shattered a glass door with just a strong kick, his gloved hand hovering above the gun strapped to his thigh as his eyes quickly scanned the area for any threats.

All clear.

The shards of glass crunched under his combat boots as he stepped past the threshold and fastly moved down the hallway, dead set on his destination; the pods.

However, as soon as they reached another corner, he abruptly stopped as he could hear the sounds of heavily breathing, being quick to count each different heartbeat before he gently grabbed the little human and placed her feet on the floor.

Madeleine stared at the alien creature in confusion, her tears long forgotten as she watched him place a gloved finger over his lips, signaling her to be silent before he shoved her behind his broad back.

But instead of following him, she remained rooted to her spot whilst he advanced past the corner, having half a mind to just run away and try her luck on her own when the fighting noises started, her body jolting at the few sounds of shots being fired.

With her body still trembling, she hesitantly took a step to peer around the corner, letting out a surprised squeal as the BloodHound appeared right in front of her.

Her breath hitched within her throat as she dared look up to his otherworldly face, the pulsing red lights above making him appear so menacing, the girl unconsciously taking a step back. And before she could even realize what she was doing she had already turned around and started running, the sounds of those boots closely following from right behind forcing another frightened cry escape her lips, her eyes widening as her head momentarily turned to look back, shocked to notice how he kept approaching her so fast, without even struggling.

So she abruptly turned a corner and ran into the first room she could open, hiding behind a bunch of odd-looking large cylinders.

Her breath came out in shallow puffs, her heart pounding so fast within her chest as she kept her back pressed against the cool glass of a cylinder, closely listening to every single tiny noise, her body jolting as a blue light suddenly flicked on from right behind her, making her turn around and take a step back, her eyes immediately widening in horror at the sight of what was floating inside the cylinder.

There was a completely nude BloodHound, his limbs lightly moving through the clear liquid as his weird-looking eyes kept themselves trained on her, watching her every move.

Her lips escaped a small whimper as she took another step back, that tiny whimper immediately turning into a horrified scream as soon as she felt the scorching heat of a naked chest pressing against her poorly-clothed back, followed by a pair of gloved hands grab ahold of her shoulders.

“No! Leave me alone!” She cried out, barely managing to struggle before she suddenly found herself trapped between a wall and a large muscular body, one arm tightly wrapped around her shoulders while the other hand pressed against her lips, effectively silencing her.

Her wide and wet eyes met those familiar purple galaxy ones, falling into a deafening silence for a few moments.

“I’m not...going to hurt you...” He whispered as he slowly let her go, the girl noticing that tiny struggle in his speech as she remained pressed against that same wall, staring at the creature in front of her.

“Then what do you want from me? Where were you taking me?”

“It’s not safe... We have to go,” He explained as best as he could, once again reaching to grab her hand, only to have her immediately clutch her hands to her chest, seemingly willing to bury herself into that wall just to stay as far as possible away from him.

“They will...experiment on you until they will kill you. You are just a breeder. T-they will force you to have a BloodHound’s offspring and kill you right after you deliver it,”

“I save you...” He softly said to her, noticing that stray tear trailing down her cheek as she stared back at him in utter shock.


“There’s no time...” He warned as he carefully approached her once again, this time the girl simply letting him grab her wrist and lead her outside that creepy chamber as she was way too overwhelmed after everything he’d just told her.

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