


Royal secrets aren’t exactly new to me. I’ve been present and exposed to too much scandals back at Wierxia because of our relatives, but of course, our family comes clean, except for one historic incident about my brother disappearing. I haven’t thought of it much lately, since our family learned how to move on from the past, but the pain is still alive. Honestly, I don’t really remember Brylle’s face, I was still little when he disappeared, but I guess Thomas could remember. I was heading to my room to return my sewing equipment after the Queen left. She said she needed to visit Sir Angelo. I wanted to come as well, but I figured I’d come with Ruthy. Just as I was about to turn to the hallway where my room is, I heard Ruthy’s voice from the hospital wing just one turn from where I was. Her voice wasn’t loud or shouting, but it was whole and audible. I couldn’t hear exactly what she was saying, but I understood some of the important words. She was confessing- to the Queen. What did I feel about it? Nothing much. Maybe I was a little surprised because I failed at guessing what Ruthy’s secret was. Of course, I know she has a secret, she’s a little obvious and poor at hiding her emotions, and I’m her best friend. I’ve known her since we were kids and we almost grew up together. Oh, and the way Sir Angelo looks at Ruthy? He looks at her like she’s the universe on his palm. I don’t really disapprove of their relationship, but I’m just worried for their future. A royal guard and a princess in a secret relationship don’t really end up well, but I would always support Ruthy’s decisions as long as it’s legal and plausible. I decided to look for my brother. I’m not going to expose Ruthy, I just want to confirm something I’m curious at for a long time now. I slowly went out my door, afraid that Ruthy or the Queen saw me eavesdropping. When the coast was clear, I went out and headed to Thomas’ room. I knocked and the guards opened the door for me. Thomas was laying on his bed while reading a book. When I entered, he just peeked through the book then continued reading. What a total jerk!

“How rude,” I teased and then sat beside him. He didn’t react and still continued reading. See, this is one of the cons of having an older brother with an attitude. I pulled down his book and he looked at me with his brows raised.

“What?” he asked. I chuckled and grabbed his book and placed it on the side table. He looked at me confused and sat up.

“Do you have feelings for Ruthy?” I asked. I didn’t want to act all bubbly and make it suspense, so I asked him straightforwardly. He looked surprised and gulped, he’s being so obvious. I made a face, he’s going to deny it.

“You do,” I answered myself. He suddenly grabbed the book from the side table and started reading again.

“What are you t-talking about?” he asked, stuttering. Please, I know when my brother’s hiding something. He becomes nervous, he stutters, and he looks for something to do.

“Admit it. You do have feelings for Ruthy,” I pushed. He slammed the book shut and placed it on the bed. He looked at me dead in the eye.

“Okay, fine. So, what if I do?” he eventually gave in.

“I’m just being concerned for you and Ruthy. I don’t want you guys making impulsive decisions,” I said. He looked at me confused again. Oh no, did I say it wrong?

“I-I’m saying that whatever you’re planning, you got to do it slowly but surely!” I immediately added. He sighed and stood while pointing at the door, wanting me to leave.

“Alright, fine. I get your point. Now, can I please read in peace?” he asked with a face. I laughed and just made my way out. I tried not to make my nervous laughter obvious since I almost blew my cover and spoke words that will not make sense and will eventually mean something else.


I headed to the library to meet with my father who wanted to talk to me about something. At first, I didn’t want to go. I thought Mom finally told him about me and Angelo and that I was going to have a scolding, but in the end, as I was arguing with myself whether to go or not, I decided to just go and be truthful, ask for mercy and then shower him with love. Fathers always go wobbly with daughter’s affection, so I thought I can give it a shot. When I arrived at the library, the maid by the front desk informed me that he was waiting by the history section. My footsteps felt so heavy that I almost ended up pulling my foot every step to just make me move. I was so nervous and I didn’t know what to expect of Dad’s reaction and lecture.

“I’m here, Dad,” I said as I spot him behind a bookshelf, scanning a book. He turned and smiled, immediately pointing to the table in front. My eyes widened a little, thinking that maybe he still doesn’t know and Mom didn’t tell him after all. When I sat down, he sat in front and set down the book in his hands.

“How are you doing, Ruthy?” he asked me. Okay, this conversation started off fresh and on a different course- a course I definitely preferred.

“I’m doing okay, Dad. Do you want to talk about something?” I asked. He cleared his throat and leaned closer to me.

“How are you and Thomas doing?” he asked. I almost went blank when I first heard him. Was he actually asking about any progress to our relationship? I can’t believe him!

“We’re doing…okay, I guess. We’re being close,” I shortly answered. I don’t want him to ask me more things about something I’m really not sure how to answer. Thomas and I haven’t been talking that much, just greeting each other during meals and when we cross paths at the hall way. We’re not exactly awkward either. I don’t really know what happened, I’ll think about that later.

“Why…are you asking me this, Dad?” I carefully answered. I’m sometimes scared at how my Dad thinks because one minute you’ll think the topic is over and you haven’t talked about it in weeks or months, but then Dad suddenly remembers and brings it up out of nowhere.

“I-uh…I’m just curious if there was already a wedding proposal going around?” he cheekily asked and I face-palmed myself. Dad chuckled and rubbed my shoulders.

“Dad, let it go for a while. It’s a little too early for that,” I told him. I can’t believe he thought I was engaged already! I’m not even eighteen yet!

“Sure, sure. Oh, here’s a book I found about Wierxia and Rinovea’s history together. You can read that for a while,” he suggested and pointed at the book he brought. I nodded and grabbed the book while Dad excused himself. I guess I don’t have anything else to do, might as well just read this book. I guess I can say I already know most of the things here, since we are close with the Wilhems, but what I really wanted to learn more about is the terrorist attack that happened years ago. It just baffles me how Brylle could get easily taken in the middle of a well-guarded palace, unless it was really planned and someone was working from the inside. The chapter was written like a news article where there were illustrations and narrations of what happened and a picture of Brylle was in the middle. Although it was an old picture, you could see how Brylle resembles his mother and how he could have grown into a fine man. I just can’t imagine how hard it must have been for them to move on and just forget about how their son went missing. I set the book down as I felt my eyes start to water. I know my duty as a princess is many things, but to let Thomas be my husband and become part of their family, to try and fill up the empty hole that’s been hurting them, I wouldn’t hesitate to try. I care about their family more than anyone else, and I just want the Queen to be able to smile genuinely soon.

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