
Slave Of Desperation

3rd Person POV…

She was always in debt, trying to pay off rent and buy the basic necessities. Sylvia's life had been one interesting rollercoaster ride and although she had rich friends like Jason, she always kept her problems to herself and tried to solve them on her own.

Her mother was the only real family she had left, and with her terminal illness getting worse, she needed to find the money for the treatment.

“So, you’re telling me some hot rich old dude asked you out and you said no? Isn't that every young woman's dream man?” Daniel, her colleague and friend at work said after she told her what happened at the party last night. 

“I didn’t say no. Jason called me away before I could even think of what to say to him.”

“Who is this guy anyway? He tell you his name?” Daniel asked.

“Yes,” she nodded, “Christian Ferraro, I think.”

“Have you looked him up yet? If he was at Jason's Dad's party, he must be a big deal,” Daniel said.

“I don't care about his money,” Sylvia said dismissively.

“Yeah, well I do,” Daniel rebuffed.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He went on G****e and typed Christian's name.

“Is this him?” Daniel asked, after showing her the first picture that popped up.

“Yeah, that's him,” she said.

“Sylvy!” He grabbed her and hugged her. 

She was confused, trying to understand why Daniel was so excited.

“Is he a big deal?” Sylvia asked.

“He’s a huge deal. Here, take a look for yourself,” Daniel said and handed her the phone.

Truly, Christian Ferraro was a big deal. He was the CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation and was worth over eight hundred million dollars. She was beyond intrigued by him and eager to see where this was headed.




It was a rainy evening the next day. The restaurant where Sylvia worked was empty and it was about time to lock up.

“Sylvy, you’ll have to lock up. I’ve got some errands to run and I have to go now. You cool with that?” Daniel asked.

“Sure. Get out of here,” she replied with a playful smile and he ran off.

She was about to turn the open door sign to close when she saw a black SUV parked outside.

"Who is that?" She wondered inwardly.

The driver came out and opened the back door. Sylvia couldn't believe her eyes. He had sought her out to her place of work. The same man from the party, the multi-millionaire, Christian. He was there and he was making his way to the restaurant. He walked over to the door, walked in and stood right in front of her.

“Hello, Sylvia,” he said in his low deep voice, a hard proof that this was not a dream.


“I remember asking you for a date.”

He was seated across from her, staring at her like a falcon locked on its prey. It was intimidating, but quite sexy, at least to Sylvia.

“Um! I’m…” she hesitated, not knowing what to respond.

"Do you really want to go out with me or are you just playing some game with a poor lowly woman?" She had to ask.

After the extensive research she did on him, she couldn't understand why he was even interested in her at all, when he could have literally any other woman in the world.

He paused for a second, almost like he was contemplating doing something. He finally cleared his throat and signaled at his driver to hand him something.

“I’m sure it’s clear that I am very fond of you,” he began, “And I would very much like to pursue that. However, I must do so in a way that you and I will benefit from.”

“Huh?” She asked, confused.

"I don't do relationships; I do deals. I have a proposition for you, one that would make you my woman in every sense of the word, except nothing about us will be publicized. I like to keep my private life private,” he said as he took a black file from the driver.

Sylvia was confused. She wasn't sure what he was trying to say.

“Mr Ferraro…”

“Please, call me Christian,” he corrected me.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t fully understand this. What do you mean?” She asked nervously.

“Perhaps you’d understand if you read this,” he told me, opened the black file in his hands and took out a document. 

It was a contract! A contract stating she would be in a secret sexual affair with him. Not as his girlfriend, nor as a wife, but more like a whore he paid to satisfy him…at least, that was how she perceived the contract after reading it.

“Mr Ferraro, this is crazy!” She blurted out.

"Christian!" He corrected her again.

“I thought you liked me?” She asked, almost in tears when those words left her mouth.

“I do like you. That's why I'm here. I haven't done something like this in almost eighteen years,” he replied and he was being sincere.

“Something like this? You mean give a woman a price for her body?” She asked, barely able to speak.

“That's not what this is!” He said.

“Really, it's not? It says here that you'll handle all of my finances if I accept. That’s literally prostitution,” I added, reading the wordings of the contract. 

“We would be in a real relationship, it'll just be an official one with specific rules and requirements because of how my life is.”

“I don’t think—”

“Please, Sylvia, don’t give me a reply now, just think about it. I’ll give you time,” he pleaded.

“Why does it have to be like this? I could just be your girlfriend,” I told him but he shook his head.

“I can't begin to explain why, but this is how it has to be. You perform a task and I reward you. You're just going to have to trust me when I say that this way is what's best. My number's in the document. Call me when you make a decision," he said right before he stood up and left.

Sylvia could barely believe what had just happened to her. She decided to lock up the shop so she could head home, but she was surely not going to accept such a proposal from a man she barely knew. Just after she locked up, she was about to step away from the restaurant when her phone rang in her pocket. It was her mom's doctor.

"Hello, Doctor Gibson! Is everything alright with my mother?"

“Miss Jones, we need to perform the operation on your mother as soon as possible. Her illness has gotten to a critical stage,” the doctor told her.

“I know! I’m saving up for the treatment,” Sylvia said tearfully.

“The sooner you raise the money, the better for her. She doesn't have much time before this is unrepairable.”

She went back home in the rain and in tears. Losing her mother was her worst fear and it was happening before her eyes. She was her Mom's only hope to survive and she was letting her down. She had to do something, she had to save her. Whatever it took.

She looked at Christian’s number in the document. It was a dire situation and it was now or never. So, she did the one thing she never thought she’d do. She texted him.

“Fine. I'll do it. I'll be your mistress.”

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