
Chapter Eleven: Two Shoes

"Oh, you're on your way to the penthouse, too? That's great! You know what, forget about cleaning and let's just hangout in my office!" Amanda suddenly suggested.

Lara looked taken back at the CEO's suggestion.

"But I'm still at the middle of my work, and besides, why would a CEO hang out with a lowly employee like me?" she inquired.

"Why not? And why would you say that you're just a lowly employee? Look, everyone in this company is equal. There's no such thing as being a higher employee and a lowly employee. We're just normal human beings and we're working to survive in this crazy world. And by the way, I'm inviting you as the company's CEO, but I'm inviting you as a friend. So, what do you say? Wanna hangout with me?" Amanda continues to convince her.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to accept her invitation, right? I mean, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance so I should just go for it." Lara said to herself, while thinking hard.

After a few seconds, Lara's attention went back to Amanda.

"Okay. I won't say no to your offer. Thanks for inviting me." she finally agrees.

Amanda excitedly held her hand and started giggling like a high school girl.

"Oh, I'm so happy! Okay, let's go and have some snacks and drinks and just chill out!" she said it all in one breath.

Everything went by so fast and the next thing she knew, they have already reached the penthouse. Lara's eyes roamed around the penthouse, and she gasped in admiration while looking at the expensive paintings, figurines and furnitures inside the penthouse.

Lara stopped surveying the CEO's office when Amanda suddenly spoke.

"Please make yourself comfortable and just relax, Lara. Can I offer you anything? I have sodas, freshly-squeezed orange juice tea or maybe you fancy an alcoholic drink?" she offered some available drinks.

"Oh, a glass of cold soda would be nice. Thank you." Lara responded, as she tries her best to relax.

"And how about some snacks? I have some pastries here, chips, salads... Anything you want!" Amanda spoke again, while opening her food drawer.

"Uh... Chips, I guess?" Lara just said what was on her mind.

Lara watches Amanda as she prepares their snacks and drinks. It feels a bit strange being the CEO's guest and she's given a special treatment. She can't help but to feel amused because her boss is getting all excited like a high school girl who's looking forward to have a sleepover with her girl friends. And because of that, she can't help but wonder about Amanda Montserrat's childhood and teenage years. Did she have many friends? Were she able to have fun and create wonderful memories with them? Or was she bullied and endured being alone and lonely?

"Alright, here you go! Here's our snacks and drinks!" Lara heard Amanda's excited voice again.

"Let me do it..." offered Lara.

"Thanks, but you don't have to. You're my special guest so just stay put. I got this, don't you worry..." Amanda said, as she started putting food and drinks on the center table.

Lara started salivating while looking at the food on the table. She's very much aware that all of the food and drinks are so damn expensive, and she can't wait to eat them all...

"So, what are tou waiting for? Let's eat while having a chat! You don't have to be shy, okay?" Amanda smilingly stated.

"Thank you." Lara smiled at Amanda, while looking pleased and grateful for her generous invitation.

She started eating one of the pastries. Her eyes widened in amazement because she had never eaten anything like this, and it was so freaking good!

"How is it, Lara? It's actually one of my favorite pastries in the city, and I always make sure I have some stocks at home and in the office." Amanda spoke again.

"It's the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in my whole life!" Lara nodded non-stop, after she savored the creaminess and the sweetness of the pastry.

"I'm so glad you liked it. Don't worry, I'll order a dozen for you and send it to you one of these days so that you can eat more." Amanda generously offered.

"Thanks for inviting me, Amanda. But I'm a bit concerned because what if my Team Leader finds out that I'm not doing my job properly? I don't want to create any trouble or misunderstanding, and most importantly, I don't want to lose my job." Lara mustered all of her courage to say what was on her mind.

"I understand where you're coming from, Lara. I promise you that no problems will arise, and you won't lose your job, so you don't have to worry about anything. I'm your friend now, and I got your back..." Amanda gave her an assurance.

"That's a relief. Thank you once again." Lara nodded in return.

"By the way, how long have you been working in the company? Are your co-workers giving you a hard time?" Amanda bombarded her with questions, while looking worried.

Lara took a deep breath before she can speak again.

"I've been working her for five years. This job is every important to me, and I don't want to have any problems with other employees. I just want to keep this job." she responded.

"I understand and respect what you feel. But I have to ask you another question. Do you like your job?" Amanda asked again.

"I was able to get used to my job, but to be honest, I can't say that I like it, but I don't hate it, either. But I am extremely thankful because it pays the bills, it makes me a responsible person and it helps me survive everyday. But if I have a choice, I would choose another job or maybe if I'm lucky, I can start my own small business." Lara became serious as well.

Amanda held her hand, in a sincere manner.

"Everyone has the chance to be whatever they want to be as long as they don't give up, and they always to their best. And I'm sure it's not too late for you to turn your life around."

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