
2: Our Home

            “I am here to claim my bride,” Darkus Loui Dark declared, his words brimming with threat and danger. “Who dares to stand in my way?!”

            Everyone in the Herald estate stepped back, gulping in anxiety. Even the bravest of their knights cowered in fear in the presence of the renowned blood-lust alpha.

            “B-But Alpha Dark… this is a c-crime!” the head of the servants retorted, using all his ounce of bravery left to defend his master’s estate. This made Dark admire him for his loyalty. However, he didn’t like the meaning of his words.

            Approaching him with heavy steps, the servant braced himself for the incoming danger before him. He closed his eyes, holding his breath as he awaits his death. However, that didn’t come as he expected.

            “Is it a crime to take what should have been mine?” although those words were uttered in a deep calm tone, everyone shook in fear of his impending anger.

            “B-But that’s-” the servant stuttered, unable to reason with him anymore.

            Dark walked passed him, and everyone moved to make way for him. Like a king, no one was brave enough to stop him of his wishes. No one was able to reason.

            After crossing the long hallway of the Herald Estate, he stood before a large white door with gold trimmings. Behind this door was the thing he desires the most. The thing he had longed for several years. His… bride.

            Without hesitation, he kicked the door open only to find a lady hiding herself in the corner of this dark room.

            Was she hiding from him?

            Seeing that startled look in those deep enchanting eyes, Dark gritted his teeth. His clenched his jaw as he walked towards her. Looking down at her this close, he noticed the corner of her eyes pinkish and swollen.

            Was she crying because she heard that he’s here to take her away?

            Did she really despise him this much?

            An angry huff escaped his lips, wincing in the bitterness he tasted in his own thoughts.

            ‘Whatever,’ he thought. He had been patiently waiting for her to come to him herself. But seven years was already a tiring and long wait. This time, even if he needed to force her, he’ll take her away no matter what.

            Caia firmly closed her eyes when the intruder’s huge hands moved towards her. “He’s going to hit me. He’s going to hit me,” she thought, holding her breath as she wait for the pain to come.

            The way her father punished her…


            “Why are you trembling so much?” a deep, rough voice spoke.

            “Huh?” Caia opened her eyes, and realized that he never hit her. Instead, she found herself in this man’s strong arms, carried in a perfectly gentleman way.

            That voice she heard reflected the owner a lot. He looked as rough and strong as he sounded. And as much as she found that voice hot, this man’s look exceeded her expectation. For he’s fuckin’ hot as hell!

            Caia felt her cheeks flushed, looking away in embarrassment.

            However, who is this man? And why was he carrying her?

            “W-where are we going?” she nervously asked when he started walking out of her room. She closed her eyes upon the blinding light when they were outside her room, unable to adjust her eyesight from the sudden change of lighting.

            “To take you home,” he answered in a serious tone.

            “What? B-but this is my h-home!”

            The man halted in his tracks, throwing her a cold yet displeased glance. His face was so near her own that she could clearly see his strong and ragged look. Despite looking so unapproachable and intimidating, Caia found herself drawn to his strong and perfect features.

            Everyone says her brother, Ethan, was the most handsome man in the entire Darkenshire. However, perhaps, no one still haven’t seen this man yet.

            Just his stare was enough to melt her weak!

            “No,” he scoffed, angered by her. “I’m going to take you home. Our home.”

            “Our home?”

            Caia’s mind was filled with thousands of questions, wanting to ask this man what he meant by that. However, he didn’t gave the chance to as he strode out of the Herald’s mansion. And what was more stanger was that no one, even her father, was there to stop this man’s atrocious actions.

            Are they really letting this man take her away?

            Then… this man… This man must be…

            Her ocean deep eyes widened as she intently stared at this man’s face. Wavy black hair that was badly cut up until his nape. Thick set of eyebrows. Nose perfectly sculpted sharp along with his defined jaw. And the most unique and eye-catching part of his face was his deep set of eyes with two different colors.

            Black and lilac…

            This gave him both a a captivating mysterious aura and a threatening danger lurking behind those beautiful rare eyes…

            This man…

            Caia felt her heart sinking as her body turned cold. She stretched out her fingers, caressing this man’s face with her soft and delicate fingertips.

            Tears blurred her sight as her lips rose into a relieved smile. “It’s you…”

            The man stopped and looked at her, and she couldn’t made out what kind of expression he’s wearing.

            Was he… perhaps… angry?

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