
5: Innocent Seduction

            “Is this your room?” she asked in a tiny voice, scanning the surroundings. It was small and cramped. Even the furniture seemed old already.

            “Yours, too,” he replied, catching her off guard.

            Does this mean they’re going to share one room?! Of course, they’re going to marry sooner or later. And this kind of thing is bound to happen. But still… the thought of sharing one room with him is still…

            Seeing her shy reaction, Dark couldn’t help but grin inwardly. This noble lady really does not fail to amuse him.

            “There’s only two rooms in this small inn,” he explained, carefully placing her down the bed. Then he kneeled before her, pulling her dress up to check her wound. This made her flinch in surprised, flustered at his sudden actions with no warning.

            “But if you don’t want me here, I can go sleep with my pack if that will make you comfortable-”

            “NO!” she immediately replied, not wanting him to misunderstand her anymore.

            There was a rapid change in Dark’s expression. It’s as if, his handsome face brightened up.

            “What do you mean by ‘no’, Caia? ”

            “I-It’s not that I don’t want you here…” her voice was small and timid. However, this only made Dark want to tease her more. He finds her so adorable. The way she shies away. The way her cheeks blushed pink that it seemed like it’s about to burst. The way she bit her lip…

            “Then,” his leaned closer to her face, his hand caressing her wounded foot. “does that mean you want to… “ Dark paused, his eyes sparkling in eagerness.

“Caia. Tell me. What is it that you want?”

God! Why did he made this man this dangerously handsome?! And why is his deep and husky voice so hot and sexy?!

Caia gulped, her fingers fiddling on her lap. Then, she stammered, “I-I want you to sleep with me tonight!”

The sound of tray and plates echoed inside the room, diverting her attention towards where it was coming from. And on the door, stood the three men, all looking embarrassed and anxious. On the floor before them were scattered foods. Again. What a waste!

Why are they reacting that way?

It was Amadeo who broke the silence, explaining the situation.

“W-We just thought of sending you food here since L-lady Herald didn’t ate anything s-so-”

But… why is he stuttering?

Augustus covered his brother’s mouth, grinning foolishly. “Anyways, we won’t disturb you anymore. You can go ahead and s-sleep together… I mean, damn! Anyways, we’ll just go, our alpha.”

With his brother in tow, Augustus ran for their lives, so stunned by what they just witnessed.

With Theodore leaving last, he bowed and bid them goodnight. “I never thought our luna is this straight forward and brave despite her weak demeanor. Please pardon our intrusion. I hope you both succeed in producing another alpha.”

The door was closed shut.

“What are they talking about?” she wondered, turning to Dark for an answer. However, she was caught off guard by the expression his wearing.

His face was flushing and his eyes were filled with a dangerous emotion. Desire.

“F*ck. What am I gonna do with you, Caia?!” he hissed, burying his face on her lap as he hugged her legs. He seemed so frustrated. But what is he frustrated about? Is he mad at her? What did she do wrong? Should she ask for forgiveness?

Seeing his reddish ears, Caia unconsciously touched it without thinking, rubbing it between her fingertips. Dark flinched in surprise, making her realize what she was doing.

“I-I’m sorry! It’s just so reddish so-”

She was about to withdraw her hands away from him, but Dark caught her hands, guiding it towards his face as he lifted his gaze towards her.

“I don’t mind you acting this way, Caia. But I should warn you about the consequences of arousing me like this. I am starved of you, my Caia. I waited for so long to held you in my arms this way. Do you think you can handle the consequences?” Dark kissed her palm as he said those words, his deep and intent gaze never leaving her.

“Arouse… AROUSE?! WHAT?!” she bolted up, completely surprised when she realized what he meant. So, he’s wearing this strange expression because he’s…aroused?!

Her startled eyes looked at him once more. His lips were curled up in a sinister yet seducing grin. His cheeks were strangely flushing pink. And his eyes were so fierce as it contain an unholy yet inviting emotions.

Is this how he looks when he’s turned on?

“Damn. I know you still aren’t ready so I shouldn’t have had high hopes. But f*ck.” He pulled his hair in frustration. And although he was chuckling by himself, there was a disappointed and frustrated tone in his voice.

“Sit,” he commanded her, pulling her hand gently. “I’ll just treat your wound then I’ll leave. Don’t worry.”

Caia silently watched him apply some ointment in her wound. His fingertip moving in circular motion around the cut that it brought tingles to her toes. Noticing her curl her toes, Dark clenched his jaw and curse to himself.

This woman is really testing his limit.

 Standing up, he turned around without looking at her. Lest he lose control and ended up doing something that he might regret later.

“Just rest tonight. We’ll resume our journey tomorrow. I’ll be guard you outside-”

“What?!” panicking, Caia grabbed his hand, clutching it tightly. “Are you going to leave me here alone…”


Listening to her pleading and pitiful small voice like this was enough to shatter his remaining self-control that he’s barely holding on.

This woman… is she really unaware that she’s trying to lure him into seduction?!

“I… I don’t know anyone here. Y-You’re going to be my husband soon so can you please… s-stay with me tonight- Ahhh! D-Dark!”

Caia gasped when he suddenly pinned her down the bed, her arms pressed above her head. With her startled eyes met his dark and angry gaze, she found herself fearing of what he’s about to do.

He’s mad at her.

            She closed her eyes. Trembling in fear of the impending punishment. She recognized this anger so well that she could tell that emotion he held in his eyes in one look. Her father often had this gaze in his eyes and as if a cue, she knew she’ll be punished soon.


            He’s going to hit her too-

            But… huh?

            “Is this really… a punishment?”

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