
Chapter 42


Freezing cold water hitting my face wakes me up instantly, an automatic snarl releases from my throat and I move to react to whomever dares to strike me. That is when I realise that I am chained to the wall standing upright whilst I was unconscious. Another snarl rips from me at the audacity.

My eyes adjust to the dimly lit room, one of our dungeon cells, I am most familiar with them although I am usually the one doing the chaining up. A guard stands looking rather sheepish holding the now empty bucket, he refuses to meet my eyes, fucking coward.

A figure stands behind him half cloaked in the darkness but I know who it is, that cunt Damian, so he finally had the balls to make a move. We’ve been playing this uneasy game of chess for a while now, both distrusting of each other, neither willing to make the first move. I guess we’re on the board now.

“Nico” he drawls my name like the snake he is but I refuse to bite I just glare into the darkness, challenging him with m
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