
Wrong decision

"Asher..." He just kept teasing me and my body was relentless to his touches. "Asher!"

I pushed off from the counter and stepped away from him. I could feel that my cheeks were flushed and I was breathing heavily, the ache between my legs throbbing.

He was flushed too and his erection pushed against the tightness of his jeans. His eyes were dark and stared into mine.

"I need a ride home," I said before I stepped out of the kitchen as quickly as I could and headed upstairs to Harper's room to find some pants.

What the hell was that?!

My body was still reacting to his touch and I desperately wanted to go back down there and jump his bones. But no! I can't! He doesn't want the same things that I do.

And the rule!!

It was still intact and Harper would kill us if she ever found out. She can never find out, ever!


I found Asher back in the kitchen after I put some pants on and was thankful that he was now wearing a shirt, sporting a backward hat, and waiting patiently with his nose i
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