

Then I left Lucy's apartment and went to the office. My assistant was very busy. In addition to company shares. I had also given him a series of small tasks to take care of. However, he was very competent and was able to handle everything in an orderly manner.

I stayed at the company until late, when Carlos Sky called me. His cold voice sounded over the phone as he asked, “Have you eaten yet?”

I flipped through the documents and asked, “Lunch?”

“Yes, if not yet, I can come get you.”

The Sky family company was a far cry from the Moom company. The round trip would be 2 hours, and I hesitated for a moment and said. "Just ate."

When I was still Carlos' wife, he had been very busy. Whenever there was any news about him, he had been busy at the company. I didn't want him to waste those 2 hours for him and so I lied.

He didn't think anything was strange and just told me to remember to take my medicine before turning off my cell phone.

The phone call had just ended when my assistant opened th
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