
Chapter 61: Jack's Jazz...Wrong Reason; Right One

Jack watched his wife finding her captivating, he also realized she was his for the taking. He stood and moved into her personal space, enjoying the twinkling eyes. He bent his head and kissed her softly on the lips. Her arms sneaked around his neck, her fingers slipping into the thickness of his hair. On tiptoed she stood kissing him wholeheartedly back. A ripple of shock went through her. She instantly disengaged herself from him. The raw hunger of her deepest emotions was clear to him.

“Jack, I…” she looked shocked and surprise up at him.

“My Jazz,” he smiled looking at her. “I find you captivating,” he admits his truth, surprise himself. “Do you trust me?” he asks while teasing the corner of her mouth with featherlike kisses that drives her into wanting more. That magic kiss was just enough to spin her world back into a kaleidoscope of sensual colours.

“Jack,” she whispers breathless with anticipation of what is about to ensue again. The shared but very brief kiss is filled with s
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