
Come home with me

"i want you to tell me about the man who raised the most beautiful and genuine woman, I have ever met",

The pink blush that painted Rhea's cheeks was lovely, and her eyes became animated with life once again as she dove into the stories about her grandfather. I sat back and listened, knowing this was cathartic for her. Rhea needed to talk, to let these emotions our after the trauma, she endured this past week, and I could give her that.

Our food came out and we talked as we ate. By the end of the dinner, she was finally laughing again while telling a story about her grandfather, giving in and taking her to the toy store after she spent a weekend crying about a new doll she had wanted.

Before we knew it, an hour had passed and the dinner staff was cleaning up around us in order to close for the night. Rhea yawned trying to hide it behind her hand, during a break in the conversation.

"Oh! Wow it's late", She cringed at the time on the wall, noticing that dinner was closing up any minute
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