
I love you

I faced the door at the sound of Aleksander's voice. He was just standing there with the glass in his hands.

"I didn't know what else to do, so I got you a glass of ice water", He spoke

When l heard his words, I froze for a moment. I was now sure that Aleksander came after me and brought me back here because he genuinely cared.

"Rhea are you alright?", His eyes widened when he noticed the fresh tesrs that were spilling down my cheeks. He set the glass of water down on the bathroom counter and crossed the chasm that was separating us quickly.

At that moment, I made up my mind. To find my happiness where I could and take what I wanted for myself. And I wanted Aleksander. To find my happiness with him, even if it was only for a limited time. Even if we only had right now. I was going to take it.

Taking a step, I wrapped my arms around Aleksander before he could close the distance first.

"Stay. Please stay with me", I whispered.

He paused only for a second. Then I felt his shuddered brea
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