
Chapter 20

    Nate's POV

"I can't do this with you anymore" Those were the last words Rose said before she walked out of the house. I knew I should go after her or at least check where she was going to but I couldn't care less right now. She should have thought about it before insulting my mom and my family at large. I don't even know what possessed me to ask her if she wanted to come. I should have known something like this was going to play out. It's always fighting when it comes to my mom and Rose. 

"Such disgraceful girl. If not for the circumstances, you shouldn't be married to her, Nate. Is this how she is to you at home? It's no wonder, she wasn't taught manners". Mom continued even after Rose already left. 

"You can stop now. Both of you are giving me headaches. Remind me never to allow you both to stay in the same room from now on. I can't stand this petty fight between both of y

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