
37. Not Letting Her Go


Crushing, agonising pain, that’s how it fucking felt. I hated to admit it but I felt like I couldn’t breathe. She was my fucking world, but she had forgotten me… Deep down I had hoped she wouldn’t forget me, but she had. Fuck she had.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see the way she was hugging herself, her eyes watching me warily. Had she forgotten my touch? Nine years… Nine years of being together and she had forgotten it all.

The anger and hatred I felt for this so-called fucking crimson king and his Djinn was growing. I was ready to pay the price to kill them both as long as it didn’t affect my queen.

She stood by the window now, her heart racing, my shirt draping off her shoulder.

Amore Mio…

Focus Alejandro.

I was trying, fucking trying to keep myself in control but the urge to go on a fucking rampage was growing.

“You’re bleeding.” She said softly making me snap out of my thoughts.

I looked down realising blood was spilling onto the floor where I had dug my
Moonlight Muse

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Comments (22)
goodnovel comment avatar
LungilewamaWeza We
no he didn't choose the 10 years... he chose for her to live a happy long life without him and that is why he passed the test.... because he wasn't selfish.
goodnovel comment avatar
Kenneth knows about the Crimison King!! That's way he is there... Dante surprises me, sometimes it looks like he will be more powerful that Alejandro.
goodnovel comment avatar
** DING DING**Not Sure if anyone remembers Selene gave Al a choice/test when he died… he choose 10 yrs of happiness w/ his queen… was it really a test???

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